WEEK SIX: Put It Together!
Goal: In the past few weeks you've made walking a habit, and learnt how to combine it with strength training. Your goal this week is to put it all together by combining all of these skills into one workout.
Mixing and matching speeds and hills is known as interval training. It's an efficient way to train because you work very hard for a period of time (which burns a lot of calories) and then rest and recover before hitting another high intensity interval (by delaying how quickly you feel exhausted, this allows you to stretch out your workout).
For our final challenge workout week, try to do two regular strolls, one speed workout, one hill workout and one interval workout. You should also continue to strength train - and if you're feeling super ambitious you can up your strength training sessions to three a week.
Here's a sample 45-minute interval training workout:
- Warm up for 5 minutes.
- Speed walk for 10 minutes.
- Slow down and walk at a normal pace for 5 minutes.
- Walk uphill for 10 minutes.
- Find flat ground and walk at a normal pace for 5 minutes.
- Speed walk again for 10 minutes.
- Cool down for 5 minutes.
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