Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Dumper Trash Can for Lack of Weightloss Excuses

Excuse number 1: I can always start tomorrow (as we know, tomorrow never comes) *opens dumper lid and throws no. 1 in*

Excuse number 2: I can't start this week because I'm going to a friend's house for dinner and she always cooks loads of lovely food (no excuses here - I go every week duh uh she's a really good friend who will support me in my weight loss quest) *opens dumper lid and throws no.2 in*

Excuse number 3: But what about all the yummy food I like - like chocolate etc (there's a lot of yummy low fat recipes that Rosemary has in her cook books and magazines so no excuse for high fat stuff) *opens dumper lid and throws no. 3 in*

Excuse number 4: I'm a big fat failure - I can't do it and will fail after a week then I'll look like a numpty (you look like a numpty now for putting weight on in the first place! Just don't be a failure, get up from wallowing in the slough of despond, wipe yourself off and go show the world what you CAN do - don't let a thing like this get the better of you!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 4*

Excuse number 5: I home educate my kids I haven't got time (get off your butt and go exercise - you've got more time than people who work in an office AND you lost lots of weight after having the lads so you've got no excuse!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 5*

Excuse number 6: I'm comfortable with the way I have become and can't imagine being the weight I was a few years back before I gained (what a load of rubbish - deep down you're miserable and you want to be thin, but you've become a lazy blob, now stop being dumb and negative, get off your butt and show the world what you're made of!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 6*

Excuse number 7: But I waste a lot of food because I fail and it's just too expensive to keep throwing loads of food out (well, follow the menus, stop being a plonker and going back to bad ways then you won't waste food) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 7*

Excuse number 8: I have too much choice - I don't know where to begin! (Pathetic excuse! Choose your favourite foods/dishes and formulate them into a menu plan! QUIT whining!!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 8*

Excuse number 9: I don't like salads! (they're not that bad! Remember a lot of junk food only seems to taste better because they contain no goodness whatsoever - salad is healthy and may not be like eating sausage and chips, but it is much better for you in the long run! Jazz up your salads with low calorie dressings - it's hardly rocket science!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 9*

Excuse number 10: I get distracted by the computer/DVD player/Wii (well, duh-uh you're a grown up who should be disciplined! It's not major-league difficult to get your butt off that seat and actually start disciplining yourself - you may actually enjoy being in a routine...) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 10*

OK folks - I know, talking to myself eh? Does one good to give oneself a dressing down :D You can't hide behind yourself! OK I'm out in the open with my excuses - where can I run and hide? I can't - I probably have more excuses I'm hiding behind, but will address them as they rear their ugly heads! :)

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