Tracking my weight loss


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Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Walk it off Challenge - 4 Steps to Perfect Walking Form

Maintaining good form while you walk will help you burn more calories with each step and avoid injury. Keep these guidelines in mind during every walking workout.
Head, shoulders and chest: Keep your head up and centred between your shoulders. Focus your eyes straight ahead. Keep your shoulders back and down. Your chest should be naturally lifted, as if there were a string attached to the center that gently pulls it upwards.
Arms and hands: Your arms should be bent at 90 degrees. Swing them back and forth -- not side to side -- and keep them close to your body. Keep your hands loosely cupped as if you are holding a butterfly that you don't want to escape but you don't want to crush either.
Abdominals: Pull your belly button gently in toward your spine and tuck your pelvis forward ever so slightly so you feel tall, stable and upright.
Hips, thighs and feet: Power your movements from your hips rather than your thighs, but keep your hips loose and natural. Take short, fast strides that still feel natural rather than awkward. Land firmly on your heels and roll smoothly to push off with your toes. Think of planting your heel and then "pushing the ground away from you" as you roll through your foot.
Breathing and heart rate: Your breathing will be loud, but concentrate on keeping it even and steady. Your heart will be thumping, but focus on keeping the beats steady and regular.
A note to treadmill users: Use the handrails as little as possible unless balance is an issue for you. Avoid "water skiing" -- that is, putting the treadmill on an incline, gripping the rails for dear life and using your arms to soak up the bulk of your effort, (this goes for walkers and runners!).

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