Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Walk it off Challenge - Week 1

Goal: We're taking this first week to get into the habit of walking. Consequently, our emphasis is on getting out there and doing it no matter what. Your goal is to accumulate a total of 30 minutes walking time per day, at least six days this week.
Notice I said accumulate. That means you don't have to do the entire 30 minutes at once. If you get tired or run out of time, simply split up your walking time into two or three (or more) sessions throughout the day. Numerous studies show you'll burn exactly the same amount of calories and get almost the same health benefits as doing the entire workout in one blast.
As you walk, don't worry about your speed, intensity or even how many calories you're burning. (We'll focus on those things in the weeks to come!) Simply get your body used to the art of putting one foot in front of the other and use the quiet time to focus on your daily meditation. Take note of how your body responds to walking: What your breathing sounds like, how much you sweat, how the muscles in your legs feel, how your body moves, how long it takes before you feel tired.
You may not be used to regular exercise, but you'll be surprised at how quickly you get hooked. If you're ever tempted to skip a day, visit the gang on the message board for a little kick in the pants. Most importantly, make putting on your walking shoes part of your daily routine - so you'll be ready to go whenever the spirit moves you. That's a good first step in the right direction.
Next Week: We'll take everything you've learned this week and use it to help sharpen up your walking technique. We'll also add strengthening and toning exercises to your routine.

This is taken from a challenge run by iVillage and posted on an MSN Group I ran in 2004.

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