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Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Monday 31 December 2012

Acid or Alkaline

Article taken from here

I believe in healthy eating. I’m a whole-grain loving, two salad a day kind of a woman, but I don’t like to do anything in extremes. I don’t have the will power to eat only raw food like my sister Serene, and I don’t have the time to be juicing all day! I’m what you would call a healthy eater who still likes her treats.
But recently I’ve had to face up to some facts. While my moderate eating style has kept me reasonably healthy, I haven’t experienced abundant energy or radiant health. I’ve suffered terrible varicose veins during my last two pregnancies and, in the past few years, I’ve had chronic headaches. The crunch came not long ago when my headaches became frequent and unbearable. Desperately searching for a cure, I read that headache sufferers are most often acidic. I tested myself for acidity and sure enough, I was very acidic.
After researching the acid/alkaline subject, I became convinced I needed to make my body more alkaline, but didn’t know how I could do it. I would either have to make extreme changes in my diet, or spend hundreds of dollars on supplements. Neither option appealed to me!
I was determined to restore my health. After much research and experimenting with various foods I came up with my own plan for an alkaline body. It costs hardly any money and it works.
Before I share this plan with you, I’ll explain a little about pH. The human body contains about ten gallons of fluid. Our cells swim in this fluid. The body’s system works best in a neutral to slightly alkaline environment. When the body’s fluids become acidic, problems arise.
The typical American diet produces acid ash. The body tries to compensate for this acidity by using alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium. If the diet does not have enough of these minerals, the body borrows from whatever source it can. This usually means bones and vital organs. Over time this weakens the body and acidity prevails.
In the book, Alkalize or Die, the author, Dr Baroody states that acidosis is the foundation for all disease. It decreases energy in our cells, decreases our ability to eliminate toxins, makes us more susceptible to fatigue and illness and makes cancer cells thrive. An acid pH level is always present with cancer. Our pH levels (potential hydrogen) are measured on a scale of 1-14, seven being neutral. Anything below six is acid. At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die.
Diet is the primary cause of acid/alkaline imbalance. However, it is true that people assimilate foods differently. Although I was eating a considerably healthy diet compared to the typical American diet, it wasn’t enough to alkalize me. For some people, simply eating a lot of raw fruits and vegetables is enough to keep them alkaline. That said, acidosis is a problem for most people in this country.
If you research lists of highly alkaline foods, you’ll notice a food at the top of every chart—lemons! They seem out of place! I always thought lemons were acidic. It is true they are high in citric acid, but after being metabolized and assimilated by the body, they leave an alkaline ash. Lemons, in fact, are one of the most alkalizing foods we can consume.
I was astonished to discover the health benefits of lemons. I’d never given them much thought before, aside from plucking them out of my water at restaurants. They have four times more vitamin C than oranges. They enable the liver to make more enzymes than any other food. They relieve indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching. No wonder advertisers promote their cleaning products with slogans like The Power of Lemon! Lemons are an antiseptic for our bodies also. They have the ability to scour toxins from the cellular tissue. They are antiviral, antioxidant, astringent, antifungal, an immune stimulant and diuretic. Limonoids, part of the lemon’s structure, are potent anti-carcinogens that prevent cancerous cells form spreading.
Lemons cleanse the lymphatic system, invigorate skin tissue and increase blood flow. They counteract anxiety and depression, drain excess water retention and reduce uric acid which is responsible for arthritis. They lower cholesterol. Their high mineral content is one reason why they are so alkalizing. They contain 48% potassium which nourishes the brain and nerve cells and 29% calcium which nourishes the teeth and bones. It is important to consume lemons while pregnant for strong bones for the baby.
After discovering all this information about lemons, a little idea formed in my head. What would happen if I drank a lot of lemon water everyday? Would it raise my pH level? I had checked my pH level that morning and it was low--in the fives. I squeezed three lemons into two liters of water and sipped on it all day, hoping my pH would improve the next day. Guess what? It worked! After three days on lemon water I had much higher alkaline levels and I felt better than I had in a long time.
I continued researching and experimenting and discovered more helpful information. Here’s my five step program for anyone who wants a healthy alkaline pH:
Step 1: Test Yourself To accurately test your pH levels you should do so first thing in the morning. This is your most acidic time. You can test your urine and your saliva. Test strips can be purchased at health stores, some pharmacies, or on line.
You should aim for your urine test to be higher than 6.2 in the mornings. A healthy reading would be high sixes or low sevens. Your saliva levels will usually read slightly higher. Your levels should spike after meals and go into the high sevens and eights. This shows that you have enough enzymes to assimilate your meals. If healthy, you should stay above seven in the evenings.
Step 2: Lemon Water
Mornings are a cleansing time for our bodies. The first thing you should do upon rising is to drink lemon juice in some warm water. This will aid in proper elimination of wastes. In other words, you won’t be constipated.
Since the beginning of my experiments with lemons I have discovered it is best to use one lemon at a time to ensure their optimum healing power. Now, instead of juicing all three lemons at once, I fill a quart jar 3\4 full of water, add the juice of one lemon and drink this in the first part of the morning. I sweeten this with either stevia or maple syrup. It’s delicious. I drink another one in the afternoon and another in the evening. It is okay to drink this during meals as the enzymes help digest heavy foods. It is also best to drink through a straw to save the enamel on your teeth.
Note: Maybe your body doesn’t need three lemons to become alkaline. You may want to use less or more as needed. There is a condition known as alkosis when the body becomes too alkaline. This is rare and is usually caused by certain types of prescription drugs or antacids.
Step 3: Go for Greens After lemons and watermelons, the next most alkalizing foods are greens. Don’t forget to eat your green salads! Use lots of parsley. It is not just for garnishing! Parsley is cheap—only 50c a bunch at WalMart. When chopped finely, it is irresistible. My sister-in-law. Monique, comes to my house for lunch most days and we eat a scrumptious parsley salad together which she has created. We try to eat parsley every day for lunch as it is such a miracle alkaline food. We often accompany the salad with baked sweet potatoes, another yummy alkaline food. Tabouli is a great way to get your parsley and your lemons at the same time.
It is helpful to use green supplements to become more alkaline but I have found them too expensive for my budget. They usually cost between $25 and $40. Ouch! There is one exception-- alfalfa. It is known as the father of all foods for its high mineral content. I love it because it is cheap. You can buy a month’s supply of capsules for $3 - $7. Alfalfa’s roots grow 250 feet deep. No wonder it is so full of vitamins and minerals like iron and calcium, magnesium and potassium. All these minerals combat acidity. It is nature’s best source of vitamin K which helps protect against osteoporosis. It is a great source of chlorophyll and is up to 50% protein.
Step 4: Choose Millet
I am in love with this grain. It is an ancient grain, used in China before rice became available. It is a highly alkaline grain and inexpensive. Use it instead of your regular grains. Sorry, most grains are acid forming, even whole wheat. Millet is very versatile. We make delicious breads with it. It can be made fluffy like rice or creamy like mashed potatoes. My mother likes to put millet in the crock pot over night with raisins and cut apples. In the morning it is soft and aromatic.
Monique and I find a new use for millet almost everyday. Today for lunch we cooked it like rice and topped it with diced cucumber (highly alkaline). We then poured flax seed oil, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and hot sauce over top. It was so delicious we couldn’t stop congratulating ourselves. It’s fun to team up with a friend who also wants to become more alkaline.
Millet is the least allergy forming of grains and will not ferment in the stomach. It is a good food for babies and children as it is easily digested and will not cause intestinal distress. My children, including my one-year-old love their millet porridge in the morning. I quickly grind the grain up in my Vita Mix (you could use a coffee grinder) and put it in the saucepan with water, stirring until thickened. You can sweeten with maple syrup or stevia.
Millet has the highest calcium content of all grains and is rich in B vitamins. When eaten regularly, millet provides natural rebuilding of bone cartilage and connective tissue, giving relief to arthritis sufferers and other painful conditions.
The only other alkalizing grains are buck wheat and quinoa. 
Step 5: Find the Balance
I’m sure you are wondering which the most acidic foods are. The highest is artificial sweeteners. Don’t dink diet sodas. They are acidic and dehydrate the body. Coffee and black tea are also acidic, whereas Green and herb teas are alkaline.
All sugar and refined foods are extremely acidic. But there’s no need to panic--maple syrup is alkaline and so is raw honey. My favorite sweetener is stevia.
Not all acidic foods are bad. We must have a healthy balance of both alkaline and healthy acidic foods. Most experts agree that in order to heal your body you should eat 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. To maintain health you can have 60% alkaline and 40% acidic.
Meat and cheese are acidic. Don’t eat too much meat although I still include it in my diet. Most nuts are acidic, except almonds and Brazil nuts but all nuts are still beneficial in their raw state.
Cold pressed oils are alkaline. Use plenty of extra virgin olive oil and flax seed oil. However canola oil and peanut oil are acidic. Avoid what is termed ‘vegetable oil’ as it is not as good as it sounds.
Almost all raw fruits, dried fruits, raw vegetables and steamed vegetables are alkaline. If you have the time, juicing is another great way to increase your alkaline levels.

Note: A woman’s menstrual cycle often has an effect on her pH level. My body drops into acidic levels during my period and I have to be more aggressive in fighting acid during this time. I believe this was the major cause of the terrible headaches I suffered on those days. Since my body has become more alkaline, I have been headache free.

Monique’s Parsley Salad1 bunch parsley
4 fresh Roma tomatoes, chopped finely
3-4 hard boiled eggs, chopped finely
Handful of finely chopped nuts, walnuts or pecans
Pour Olive Oil over the mixture
Sprinkle in cayenne pepper and Creole seasoning
A squirt of Braggs Liquid Aminos
Stir together. Taste and adjust.
Serves two people.

List of Alkaline forming foods

List taken from here (please read the disclaimer from the website)

Barley Grass
Beet Greens
Chard Greens
Collard Greens
Edible Flowers
Fermented Veggies
Green Beans
Green Peas
Mustard Greens
Nightshade Veggies
Parsnips (high glycemic)
Sea Veggies
Spinach, green
Sweet Potatoes
Wheat Grass
Wild Greens

Dandelion Root

Banana (high glycemic)
Cherries, sour
Coconut, fresh
Dates, dried
Figs, dried
Honeydew Melon
Tropical Fruits
Umeboshi Plums

Tempeh (fermented)
Tofu (fermented)
Whey Protein Powder


Chili Pepper
Herbs (all)
Sea Salt

Alkaline Antioxidant Water
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bee Pollen
Fresh Fruit Juice
Green Juices
Lecithin Granules
Mineral Water
Molasses, blackstrap
Probiotic Cultures
Soured Dairy Products
Veggie Juices

Calcium: pH 12
Cesium: pH 14
Magnesium: pH 9
Potassium: pH 14
Sodium: pH 14

Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system.

Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming.

List of Acid Forming Foods

List taken from here (please read the disclaimer on the website)

Winter Squash

Canned or Glazed Fruits

Bran, oat
Bran, wheat
Crackers, soda
Flour, wheat
Flour, white
Hemp Seed Flour
Oats (rolled)
Rice (all)
Rice Cakes
Wheat Germ

Almond Milk
Black Beans
Chick Peas
Green Peas
Kidney Beans
Pinto Beans
Red Beans
Rice Milk
Soy Beans
Soy Milk
White Beans

Cheese, Processed
Ice Cream
Ice Milk

Peanut Butter

Corned Beef
Organ Meats

Avacado Oil
Canola Oil
Corn Oil
Flax Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Olive Oil
Safflower Oil
Sesame Oil
Sunflower Oil

Corn Syrup

Hard Liquor

Soft Drinks

Drugs, Medicinal
Drugs, Psychedelic

Beer: pH 2.5
Coca-Cola: pH 2
Coffee: pH 4

** These foods leave an alkaline ash but have an acidifying effect on the body.

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Well here we are - it's Christmas again (doesn't it seem to come around so quickly?). I was aiming to have lost 14lbs from November until now, but guess what? I've gained a few! My posts are so samey - sorry readers - 2013 isn't too far away and it's about time I do focus because I'm 43 next year! We lose muscle mass at a faster rate the older we get so I should be more enthusiastic about toning. 

I know what to do - I just need to get off my lardy butt and do it!

I have a youtube channel for dieting - DietingDizzy is my monika! I wonder if I can keep posting regularly onto it to visually chart my progress! 

Photos are another way of visually logging my weight loss! Every month (or even week) a picture of the new me should be posted! What do you think?

Anyway fellow dieters or just people who may read this - have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! May 2013 be the best one yet!


PS I don't believe the Mayans ;)

Thursday 6 December 2012

12 Reasons to Avoid Acids

I've been thinking about this for a while, after reading an article, years ago, on making your body more alkaline. The following article has been taken from here.
Hope I'm not contravening copyright posting it on my blog - I do think this is important for our health and well being! As you will see I have left all of the links in - I'm not responsible for the pages they lead to - I haven't clicked on them...

12 Reasons to Avoid Acids and Stay Alkaline

by Ross
red blood cells
If you have read my post on acidosis & avoiding acids then you will know a little bit about how being acid is not the best of ideas if you want to remain healthy, vibrant and full of energy.
Well, here are my top twelve reasons to avoid acids & stay alkaline!
  • Makes Us Fat! As discussed in the acidosis post I mentioned earlier – the body creates fat cells in order to protect our organs from excess acids. The fat is designed to carry these acid wastes away to other, less critical areas of the body and it clings to these organs to provide protection. Once the body is rid of acid wastes (through a healthier diet and exercise) it no longer needs to hang onto these fats for protection and it lets them go. Alongside this – weight problems are also compounded by the result of yeast and fungus overgrowths wreaking havoc on our digestive systems. And guess what – yeast and fungus thrive in an acidic environment. Because your body is now not able to properly process foods and extract the full nutrition from the foods that you eat – your body is always telling you that you are hungry. To compound this problem, the yeasts and fungus have the greatest shout in this signal to the brain – and what do they make you hungry for – more sugar, which further fuels the yeast growth.
    Following a diet of mostly alkaline foods (fresh and raw vegetables, salads, fresh alkaline fruits, seeds, nuts and pure alkaline water) will clean your system of the yeast, fungus and microform overgrowth and will flush your body of the excess survival fat that it has been clinging onto (literally for dear life!).
  • Robs Us of Energy! Principally, over-acidity will cause our body to leach alkaline minerals from our bones, muscles and other tissues to ensure that the blood maintains its delicate alkaline balance. This removal of alkaline minerals (particularly calcium) inhibits efficient and effective cellular and body metabolism – making us sluggish, tired and cloudy. Put most simply – over acidification drains our bodies of energy and inhibits the body’s ability to use stored energy reserves. And as if that was not enough – with the leaching of calcium from our bones, osteoporosis very often follows.
  • Causes Allergies:The mycotoxins that thrive in an acidic environment severly stress the immune system leading to it being constantly overworked and stimulated into response mode. The result of this is absurdly heightened sensitivity to nutrition and chemicals is what is more commonly known as an allergy. Excess mucus, soreness, swelling, eczema etc are all ways for the body to eliminate toxins.
  • Causes Free-Radical Damage and Premature Aging!: Acidosis is a symptom of – and a cause of – oxidative stress and lipid breakdown. The effect of this is that free radical damage is then promoted, attacking cell walls and membranes before killing the cells themselves. The outcome of this? Wrinkles, age spots, dysfunctional hormonal systems, poor eyesight, bad memory and foggy thinking – at the very least. Healthy cells are essential to almost every body process – so premature aging could become the least of your concerns!
    alkaline body
  • Causes Excess Mucus:Mucus is normal. It is just another mechanism by which the body eliminates toxins – it coats everything we ingest and engulfs the toxins. When toxins are engulfed the mucus becomes sticky, thick and cloudy in order to trap the toxins in. Acidic foods and drinks always contain toxins which cause so much mucus that we seem to be constantly blowing our noses! The worst offenders are dairy products, animal protein, white flour and pastas, chocolate, coffee and alcohol
  • Corrodes and Destroys Veins, Arteries and Heart Tissues! Acid is corrosive – and overly acidic blood and bodily fluids almost immediately begins to erode and destroy cell walls of the heart, veins and arteries – leading to a much weakened cardiovascular system.
  • Inhibits the Metabolism of Fatty Acids! Fatty acids are absolutely essential to the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system – without them any number of neurological problems can arise (including depression, bipolar and other mental health problems, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain development and learning in children, mood swings, ADHD and many more).
  • Causes Bad Cholesterol Problems! When we create an acidic environment in our bodies – the body creates LDL-Cholesterol at an accelerated rate. This LDL Cholesterol then causes huge amounts of clogging and cardiovascular problems.
  • Increases Blood Pressure! With the acid problems above, including increased LDL Cholesterol and compromised cell health – the heart has to work increasingly harder to move blood around the body. Acidosis is also to blame for venous vasoconstriction (meaning a decrease in diameter of the blood vessels) – which further adds to the workload of the heart and raises blood pressure!
  • Inhibits the Synthesis of DNA-RNA and Cellular Regeneration! For healthy cell regeneration and DNA-RNA synthesis – a cell pH CANNOT BE ACIDIC. On the flip side of this – for a cancer cell to grow, the cell pH HAS TO BE ACIDIC! An acid pH dramatically accelerates the possibility of the formation of mutated cells – otherwise known as cancer. Cancerous cells cannot contain hydrogen atoms – and healthy (alkaline balanced) cells contain plenty of hydrogen. In fact, the addition of hydrogen to cancerous cells actually heals them!
  • Stops Oxygen Delivery to Tissues! When our body’s are suffering from over-acidification the problem becomes compounded by the fact that an acid pH decreases the amount of oxygen than can reach our cells. Without oxygen our cells die!

Saturday 1 December 2012

1st December 2012 - D-Day

OK today is 1st December so there are only 24 more days until Christmas so this is THE day I have to take drastic action. 

Last night I stuck date labels to my RC Solo Slim foods - I have NO excuse for not following my diet because all of the meals are laid out and all I need to add are the accompaniments, the power snacks and breakfast.

The other things to do is to keep my myfitnesspal food diary up to date, I need to start exercising daily  and drinking more water ! What is so stupid is the fact I  KNOW from experience that I feel much better if I eat less (and more healthily), drink more and exercise so why don't I do it?

Weighed myself again today (changing my weigh  day from a Sunday to a Saturday) Haven't changed [weight-wise] from last week.

OK here's to a new start - 1,200 calories 1st-14th Dec, then 1400 15th-24th Dec  

I CAN do this and so can you dear reader...

Have a fabulous weekend


Thursday 29 November 2012

Last Week's Weigh-In

OK weighed  myself last Sunday - over 11 stone (150lbs) again and I can't stop eating - so much for losing a stone (14lbs) before Christmas!

I really don't want to go over 12 stone (I have another 12 pounds to go before that happens...) . I HAVE to lose this weight, it's getting ridiculous!  I am undisciplined and I shouldn't be - how difficult is it to follow a menu - open a packet of RC solo slim soup/main meal and stick to eating fruit for power snacks and drinking water? VERY difficult so it seems!

OK let's remind myself again of what I am supposed to be doing
Breakfast - 200 calories (usually eat porridge) (OK that's a coffee mug, but they didn't have porridge)
Power Snack - 50 calories
Lunch - 300 calories
Power Snack - 50 calories
Dinner - 400 calories
Milk - 200 calories

Total - 1200 calories (for the first 2 weeks)

Subsequent weeks:

As above plus
1 high fat treat or 1 alcoholic drink - 100 calories
1 low fat dessert or low fat treat - 100 calories

Total - 1400 calories

Then for my body to metabolise the food better
2 litres of water

Then for my body to burn the calories
30 minutes aerobic exercise 3 times per week
toning as well a few days too!

Does this look difficult to you? NO! It doesn't to me either - but losing weight is harder than anything else (except maybe learning piano...)

OK onward and upward - mustn't get discouraged now... Climbing hill time!

Thanks for reading


Sunday 4 November 2012


Stayed the same this week which I don't mind - better than gaining!

Sunday is my day off (although I know some 'experts' don't agree with days off). So starting tomorrow I can focus on eating healthily and exercise fervently...

Keep focused dear reader :)

Sunday 28 October 2012

A Loss - YAY!

I lost 3lb this week therefore I have another 11 to go before I reach my first goal of 14lb loss!

Must keep going and not slip up! The longer I take the worse it is psychologically to lose those pesky pounds!

BANISH those pounds FOREVER - I don't want them back!!

If, whoever reads this, is dieting - HAVE A GOOD WEEK!!

Friday 26 October 2012

Tiredness and dieting

I have found that if I am tired - my willpower goes out the window! Here are a few tips I have found helpful in getting a good night's sleep:

1. drink plenty of fluid (water/herbal tea) during the day - avoid high energy drinks late at night
2. go to bed the same time every night. See how many hours of sleep you need to feel refreshed
3. have your bedroom at a decent temperature if it's too hot or too cold this can give you a disturbed sleep
4. don't eat too late - there's nothing worse than going to bed with indigestion
5. don't eat foods which contain MSG (Mono-sodium glutamate) or other additives especially before bedtime
6. if something is bothering you - try and let it go - don't take it to bed with you (unless it's your spouse, then you have no choice in the matter ;) )
7. depression can make you sleepless - don't be ashamed to go to your GP and ask for anti-depressants
8. if you have a baby and you're breastfeeding, but the little one isn't satisfied at night time with the milk you produce:

  • check you are drinking enough during the day - your body has to get the fluids from somewhere
  • I know breast is best, but if you are feeling really blue and miserable due to lack of sleep because of a hungry baby - supplement the night time feed with formula - it's better to have a contented baby and mum than feeling drained all the time 
  • avoid energy drinks and high sugar foods

Saturday 13 October 2012

New Beginnings

Time to review my life, my eating habits,  the amount I drink (as in water  etc not alcohol ). It's good to review from time to time because it can refocus you and show you what's going right, what's not working etc!

Time to look at what I've been eating lately:

Biscuits - these should be a big fat NO!
Chocolate covered marzipan bars - definitely  big fat NO!
Picking in between meals
Eating whatever - not really thinking or planning
Not drinking much water/herbal teas etc

Is it any wonder I've gained 7lbs lately? 

Time to look at what I really need to do:

Plan, plan, plan
Buy the food needed (daily if fresh)
Take time over the meals instead of throwing them down me
Cut down on the gluten!
Eat more fruit and veg
Definitely avoid cakes and biscuits, with their fats and processed sugars (POISON)
Start using again to track calories
Exercise daily/keep active 
Get plenty of sleep 

Weight last week 11 stone 1lb ( back over 11 stone) - any US people reading 11x14 155lbs!!! I'm only 5'2" (1m 58). 

Have to start measuring myself again too! 


Take before pictures
Plan food
Take time over food
Drink at least 3 pints (4 would be better) of water (2 litres) daily

Let's get going to lose 1 stone (14lbs) by 25th December 2012

Have a good weekend readers
