Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A poem I wrote in 2016

I went off to A&E 
Cos of my dicky heart,
They hooked me to some monitors,
I'd say that was a start!

They'd also done an ECG 
And found a weird blip,
They took me to radiology
X-Ray'd my chest, and not my hip.

They took some vials of my red blood,
Sent them off to be tested,
I waited in a little room, 
And that is where I rested.

After a while - seemed like an age
The Dr came to see me
And said there was something strange -
Referred me to cardi-o-logy.

Now this has got me thinking,
It will not cause a riot,
But being 3 stone overweight,
I really need to diet!

I have to dump the junk food
Eat things good for my heart,
Buying lots of veg and fruit
Really is a start.

I must see all the rubbish,
As poison, fit to kill,
Because I don't want to take
A little round heart pill!

So now we're in the New Year
Time to take the bull by the horns,
And start to look to good health.
This brand new wintry morn!

Words NOT to use

This was written by me, about a year ago, on the online slimming group (I may have posted it here, but can't remember so reposting)

do not use...

...negative words or phrases! There's a post on one of the boards posted by a lovely member, but she's being naughty because she's using a negative word (mind, I use them too) but we shouldn't! None of us are useless, hopeless, pathetic, rubbish etc. If we diss ourselves then what is that telling our brains? Words and phrases not to use:
I'll start tomorrow (tomorrow never comes, instead say, I'll start on Wednesday - or whichever day you're starting)
I can't - of course you can! 
I'll never lose weight - well with that negative attitude you won't
Never is definitely a no-no unless it's followed by the words - I'll never gain all my weight back again!
Any other words which put you down! 
Why do we put ourselves down so often? It's mad! Ignore the media (for the most part - especially those papers and magazines which obsess over women looking like models! It really doesn't matter - we are who we were made, we just have to learn to embrace ourselves)
Once we learn to respect ourselves (despite our size and shape) then negativity goes bye bye (and good riddance)
If you suffer from depression (as I do), it can be terribly difficult to nip negativity in the bud, but if you can, try and do it! Start singing (I think I sing the most when I'm starting to go down the doldrums road), thinking happy thoughts, recognise those times when you're feeling low - I know that can be hard - and talk some perspective to yourself!
Every one of us is worthwhile! Life is precious and so are we! 
Come on now, chin up - we can do this together!

Monday, 26 December 2016


... on your good points, steer away from the negative because if you focus on those, you will never get up the energy to lose weight! 

Has anyone complimented you on something (not necessarily how you look)? Has someone thanked you for your help and really appreciated what you have done for them?

Are you talented at anything? Art? Music? Photography? Maths? Writing? Focus on those things! 

If you don't like the way you look at the moment, quit looking in the mirror!

When did you ever feel good? Have fun? Summer time as a child, playing on the beach? Think of all the good times! 

For each negative thought, think of 5 positive ones!
Sing your favourite song
Reread a favourite book
Look at photos of things which have made you happy in the past

Keep going, come on, you can do this!


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

πŸ€”Is losing weight my main priority now?πŸ€”

For a fair few years I have gained weight - last time I weighed myself  I was 4 stone (56lb/25.4Kg) heavier than I was 20 years ago. My health is a lot worse than it was years ago! (Now for the TMI part):

I am breathless
I get more migraines
My digestive system is strange
I have a lot of acid reflux
broken sleep

OK maybe the list was a bit TMI, but this is the reality I live with on a daily basis!

I have a book called Honestly Healthy and is primarily a low acid, vegetarian book and reading through it I think I actually need to follow something like this, where the recipes are full of fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes etc.

We weren't created to eat high fat, processed junk. Thinking back when I was a child (in the 1970s) - I ate a lot more fruit and veg and less junk, even before then there would have been no processed food at all!

OK so after saying all that - I wonder if I should skip the dieting diets and stick to this one for a while to see how it goes! See if there's an improvement in my overall health and if I lose weight - BONUS, if not, but I feel better, also a BONUS!

The key πŸ”‘to a diet is to really make a lifestyle choice and change that will be with you (used in the general sense) forever. 

I have a YouTube channel called DietingDizzy so perhaps, just maybe, I should keep the cyber world updated with my progress, or even if nobody watches the videos - it may just make me accountable. 

Will keep you updated! 


Monday, 24 October 2016

🎑 Yo-yo 🎒

OK everyone - my days of dieting yo-yo style MUST end - I'm sure it can't be healthy for ones body! Not long after the new year, I'm 47 - only 3 years until I'm 50, then my metabolism will go to pot. 😱

I have soup recipes for yummy healthy soup for lunch! 🍡
I have low fat dinner recipes - yummy low fat dinner recipes! 🍽

All I have to do is plan a menu for a month (to begin with) πŸ—“

Come on people let's show the world what can be done and get moving and grooving! πŸŽ€πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽ™πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•Ί

Sunday, 18 September 2016


So here I am again! You can tell I haven't been good on my diet (what diet?). OK OK I mustn't use the word diet! 

Words NOT to use:

Diet - it invokes pictures of lettuce and yuck stuff like that πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ (although it's not that yuck really)
Tomorrow - it never comes you won't say on Monday (which is tomorrow) - oh it's tomorrow today! NEVER start your diet tomorrow - ALWAYS make yourself accountable and say I'm starting it on Monday 19th September 2016 (for example) πŸ“…πŸ“…πŸ“…
Can't - of course we can - I think "I can't do this!" what a wuss! It's hardly rocket science. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

DO NOT blame anyone or anything else - if you are fed up and comfort eat - did that person or situation make you eat? BE ACCOUNTABLE - TAKE OWNERSHIP for your gluttony! Only YOU shoved that bad food into your gob, no one else did! (talking to myself here)

OK Monday is another day - a NEW day, a day where we can start to make a difference! Remember we didn't put all that weight on overnight and we won't shed it overnight! Want to be dedicated to shifting those pounds - Let's get going!


Let's do more than lose weight - let's make this quest a full package - a new adventure! 

Let's get fit - start off gradually, don't go nuts and burn ourselves out. πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ
Let's start taking care of our skin - skin care regime, moisturise, dry brushing, foot soaking etc πŸ‘€πŸ’πŸ‘™πŸ‘–πŸ‘šπŸ‘ πŸ‘’πŸ’„πŸ‘žπŸ‘›πŸ‘•πŸ‘’πŸ‘“πŸ‘”

Don't buy food as a reward - a bunch of flowers or a new garment would be better!

Come on WE can do this! Really we can!


Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Not a lot has happened lately (as always). Last time I weighed myself I'd gained weight! I am 12 stone 9lb and the path to fatty-hood forever if I keep this up! 

Next year is my 25th wedding anniversary and I really want to lose just over 3 stone for it! 42lb/19.05kg

I seem like a lost cause, but I'm not! I need to address the issue in hand! 

Things stopping me losing weight:

Lack of sleep
Fear of gaining again if I lose
Fear of getting a migraine if I exercise
Lack of exercise due to above point
Lack of will power
Lack of self discipline - saying NO to the cake!

All in all - I am the problem, ME - I'm stopping myself losing weight!

Today I ate so much - it's ridiculous! 

Maybe I should do a Vlog for a month - hmmmmmm, but have I got the self-discipline to do it?

OK this was a quick update

Have a fab time readers/followers


Saturday, 26 March 2016


I haven't been good for years where eating is concerned and I'm just fed up with the word 'diet'. I have followed Rosemary Conley's diets in the past and they do work! The thing is I feel a bit bored with them - the food is gorgeous and I have every book she has published (except her latest 3-2-1 Diet).

I have wondered if I can be self disciplined enough to actually stop following a set diet and make up my own plan using MyFitnessPal and healthy recipes!

Did people have this problem years ago before high fat and sugar processed food became freely available? Start from scratch meals are always yummier than processed ones and probably much more healthy so maybe that's the key!

Below is a photo of me in 2005 when I swam 6.5 miles a week, did 2 aerobic and toning DVDs a day etc. I was really fit! I ain't putting a photo of me online like I am now - unfit, and lardy! Maybe I could get to this weight again (3 stone lighter) IF IF IF I put my mind to it and ate less, exercised more! 

HAPPY EASTER folks - don't eat too many eggs :D xxxx