Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

No-No Words

I originally posted these on the Rosemary Conley Online forum:

TRYING - I'm trying to lose weight - this word speaks of never getting there...

FAILED/FAILURE - no you haven't/aren't - you've had a blip which can be rectified AND you are on this site! 

NEVER - I'll never get there - says who - only you! 

FED-UP - no don't get fed-up - this leads to negative thinking!

DIET - a diet to me speaks of endless bowls of lettuce and boring foods - we're on a lifestyle change or weight loss programme 

TOMORROW - don't ever start a lifestyle change plan 'tomorrow' because that's a get out clause! Remember tomorrow never comes! So start your plan on (insert day of week, date etc), this makes starting much more tangible.

Negative words about yourself - DON'T say them (I do sometimes), YOU ARE beautiful/handsome - OK you may not look like a super model etc but a lot of those people live superficial lives anyway! You are who you are and true beauty comes from the inside, not outside!

OK folks - these are things I say, quite often! If you can think of anymore - feel free to add them and REMEMBER you have taken a huge positive step by joining this site! We're all in this together and we all make mistakes, and we all support one another! 

Have a fabulous day Big Grin


PS Rosemary Conley Online is a members only site so my links won't link you to the forum I originally posted on, and the views posted here are mine and are not those of Rosemary Conley or her business! 

Saturday, 4 October 2014

There and Back Again - A Dieter's Tale

Ok hands up - who has been there (lost your weight, looked good, felt good) 
and back again (gained the weight lost and/or more)?

My hand shoots up in the air! If Yoyo-dieting was an Olympic sport I'd win 

gold! But why do we lose weight and then put it back on again? 

For me - losing weight has not been a lifestyle change - it has been a 

case of "great I've reached my goal I can eat what I like, when I like!" 
Oh yes? That really doesn't work!

Taking the Lord of the Rings analogy (well, loosely anyway - 

can't parallel all of the story), we are little Frodos:

Think of our weight as the ring - it's heavy and it inhibits us! 

We need to get that ring to mount doom and throw it in there!

Perhaps our Gollums (temptations or those foods we 

find hard to resist) will follow us and try to scupper our efforts to get
rid of the weight.

There may be good times where we do lose weight,

but we mustn't rest on our laurels (like Frodo and Sam at Rivendell 
when they thought they could go back to Hobbiton - we mustn't go 
back to Blobbiton) - the ring had to be destroyed (the weight has to
be lost) and it's only me or you who can lose our weight - I can't
lose your weight for you and you can't lose mine for me. We can't
carry someone else's weight for them and 'share the load' (why would
 we want to do that anyway?). The onus is on ME/YOU to lose the weight.

Goblins, Uruk Hai and orcs may try to hinder us - these are 

people who are unhelpful - "oh go on one won't hurt!" "I've bought you a 
huge box of chocolates for your birthday [even though I know you're on a diet]"
next time someone is unhelpful picture them as an orc or something!
When the arrows of temptation come flying at you - protect yourself 
with the shields of willpower and resolve.

Shelobs may come and attack when you least expect it and inhibit you, 

you may think - that's it, I'm done for, may as well give up - I've been 
stung by a cream cake, packet of crisps/biscuits etc. But it's only temporary 
- we're just hindered, not completely done for! 

Come on folks - we are on a journey - it's not going to be easy, but if you want to achieve, it's not going to be! Let's all get to mount doom and dump our

weight in there forever - throwing our Gollums in as well! 


Monday, 29 September 2014

High Fibre

Below I've listed foods which are high in fibre! They are taken from THIS site

Highest Fibre Vegetables

Brussels sprouts* 
Chick Peas/Garbanzo Beans 
Greens -- collards, kale, turnip greens* 
Lima beans 
Potato with skin 
Pumpkin, canned 
Peas -- black-eyed peas, green peas 
Sweet Potatoes 

* These high-fibre vegetables are also goitrogenic, meaning that they promote thyroid enlargement and can potentially cause or aggravate hypothyroidism. Typically, the risk is highest when these foods are consumed raw, regularly, and in substantial quantity. Cooking eliminates most goitrogenic properties. 

Highest Fibre Fruits 
Berries -- Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, etc. 
Dried Fruits -- Figs, Raisins, Apricots, Dates, etc. 

Other High Fibre Foods 
Bran Cereals, 5-10 grams - All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran 
Bread, whole grain 
Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans 
Nuts -- Almonds, Brazil nuts, Peanuts, Walnuts, Cashews 

Monday, 22 September 2014

Rosemary Conley Online

I have been a member of THIS site, on and off since 2006 - it's fab (and no I'm not being paid for saying this)! I haven't lost weight all the time, not because of this site, but because I'm undisciplined! I am beginning to think that losing weight is 1% about the diet itself and food and 99% mental attitude.

In the past when I have got my head in order (like after having my sons) I've lost 3 stone (approx 20kg, 42lb) - I would love to lose 3 stone again (4 would be better, but 3 would be within my ideal weight range). 

Rosemary hasn't long started posting motivational minute videos about various things and today's was all about day one. I'm not going to go into what was said EXCEPT this:

"Even if your weight loss campaign hasn't reached its conclusion in the past - treat those times as experience."

I think that's right because I live in dread of starting a weight loss regime and then failing - I think psychologically that's why I'm not doing well! BUT if I treat all those past times of not concluding the plan, then I have to treat those times as experience and learn from them!

I do find that it's worse when I psycho-analyze my life - down the minutest detail. So I have to stop analyzing and start losing!

Have a good day readers


NB. My views on this blog are my own and are not the views of Rosemary Conley or her business!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Stone/lb; pounds; kilos conversion chart from 12 stone 5lb - 8 stone 6lb

Stone lb Pounds Kilos
12 5 173 78.472
4 172 78.018
3 171 77.564
2 170 77.111
1 169 76.657
0 168 76.204
11 13 167 75.75
12 166 75.296
11 165 74.843
10 164 74.389
9 163 73.936
8 162 73.482
7 161 73.028
6 160 72.575
5 159 72.121
4 158 71.668
3 157 71.214
2 156 70.76
1 155 70.307
0 154 69.853
10 13 153 69.4
12 152 68.946
11 151 68.492
10 150 68.039
9 149 67.585
8 148 67.132
7 147 66.678
6 146 66.225

5 145 65.771
4 144 65.317
3 143 64.864
2 142 64.41
1 141 63.957
0 140 63.503
9 13 139 63.049
12 138 62.596
11 137 62.142
10 136 61.689
9 135 61.235
8 134 60.781
7 133 60.328
6 132 59.874
5 131 59.421
4 130 58.967
3 129 58.513
2 128 58.06
1 127 57.606
0 126 57.153
8 13 125 56.699
12 124 56.246
11 123 55.792
10 122 55.338
9 121 54.885
8 120 54.431
7 119 53.978
6 118 53.524

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Are you bored with your diet?

Sometimes we can get bored of dieting - counting calories, the discipline of exercising, points, syns, lettuce, low fat, high carb, low carb, no carb, lots of protein, no protein - it's repetitive and mundane.

Let me share something with you:

I play the flute (not to a high level, but I've got Grade 5 and could probably skip to Grade 8 with practise - and a teacher). Well, in my early days of flute playing I did tone exercises for 10 minutes every day - slow, boring and repetitive BUT it has helped me to develop good tone!  Scales and arpeggios etc - boring boring boring - up and down,. down and up BUT they are great for helping with dexterity, speed, tone, transposition etc etc. Think of dieting like that - don't look at the here and now - look to the future - what you will become - a beautiful string of lost pounds, playing a tuneful melody. OK seems like a strange analogy, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say! 

Keep going - it will be worth it in the end


Monday, 21 July 2014

Lime Pickle chicken salad

Tonight I bought a single chicken breast portion (already cooked) from work - I took the skin off and diced it into a bowl. I then mixed in 2 heaped teaspoons of Lime Pickle! 

In a colander I cut up:
some ice berg lettuce, 
baby spinach
a chunk of cucumber diced
sprig each of basil, parsley and mint
piccolini cherry tomatoes
strands of peeled carrot

wash all of those and then add to the Lime Pickle chicken, mix thoroughly and enjoy! 

Sometimes I'll add diced apple, strawberries, grapes and kiwi fruit to my salads to add some different flavours! You could also add peppers, spring onions, radishes, beetroot etc! 

The salad tonight was yummy :)


Saturday, 19 July 2014

A Sandy Beach

Was just wondering what to post today on my blog and as I was pondering I thought of a beach! A beautiful sandy beach. I think most people love beaches - whether you're the sunbathing type or more active sporty type. There's something nice about a sandy beach. The sound of the sea lapping on the shore, when the sea comes in, it can be fun dodging the advancing waves. Looking in rock pools for crabs and other creatures. Burying your friends in the sand or whatever. 
Have you ever considered though how many tiny grains of sand make up a beach? Trillions, no doubt.

We can look at our weight loss campaign like a beach - the grains of sand may be tiny but when put together they make something beautiful - it's the same as us - we may only be losing 1lb or even half a pound a week, but those build up and we are becoming shaped and formed. Just think of the smaller clothes we can buy as we keep losing, the confidence we will gain (I have to admit that when I have been slimmer I've had much more confidence!). 

Keep going on your weight loss quest - it will be worth it in the end :)


Monday, 14 July 2014


No, this isn't a form of limp jogging ;) This is what I've done for the past couple of weeks - Logging EVERYTHING I eat and trying to keep within my calorie allowance. So far it's working because I've lost 4lb since the beginning of July (although my ticker says 3lb - I didn't change my start weight, which was 1lb more).

I haven't done much exercise - the basic walking to work! I need to up my exercise and see if I do better!

OK if you're struggling - don't panic! Log all your eat and be accountable for it - no excuses now! 

Last Friday (11th July 2014) I went on a picnic and knew I'd eaten over my allowance, but wasn't sure how much over - well after logging I was over 500 calories above what I should have been! OK it was a shock, even embarrassing, but, by logging it I was taking ownership and making myself accountable for the excess calories and then I could get back on track again over the weekend!

Don't despair if you eat more - start again the following day and put the blip behind you!

This is a journey - we will encounter hurdles (holes in the road), etc, but the main thing is getting to the end of the journey!

Have a good week folks!


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Dumper Trash can of Excuses

I'm bumping this one up to the top because that's my problem I use way too many excuses when finding a way out of losing weight!

Hope it's helpful


Monday, 7 July 2014

In the Same Boat

When we go on a diet sometimes it's difficult to see that there are others who are struggling as well! The word 'DIET' conjures up images of unending lettuce leaves and boring food like that, but it doesn't have to be that way!

Remember my ownership blog post? All of us need to take ownership of what we do in our lives! What food we put in our mouths, how much water we drink, how much exercise we do etc. 

We all struggle, sometimes it feels like the boat is sinking, but remember, you're not alone - although others can't lose the weight for you - the others, who are not struggling at that moment in time, can 'bail the water out' by encouraging you, helping you out along the way, guiding you! 

Let's start bailing out the water by looking at what you eat and drink in a day - log it! I use to log my food - I've been on it for just 3 weeks and I'm finding it does help me to take ownership of what I'm putting in my mouth and I can track the calories (OK this might sound boring, but look at your weight loss as a journey).

There's no better time to start than TODAY! 

Monday, 30 June 2014

Comfort Zone

I'm in my comfort zone - if I don't try to lose weight then I can't fail BUT it is now at the point where I NEED to lose it!

In my adult life I have never been this heavy: 12 stone 5lb (approx 78.5kg, 173lb)
I'm 5'2" (1m58)
I'm 44 years old
My BMI is: 31.6 (Obese category)

Healthy Weight range: 7st 3lb - 9st 11lb (I would look awful at 7st 3lb - aiming for 8st-9st)

I grew up in Cardiff, Wales which is quite a small city, I've worked in London and Brussels and walking around those cities at night is less scary than the journey I'm going to be starting! 

My biggest fear = failure again! I know people who are so discouraging - they say - oh no not again. You were supposed to be on a diet (insert time here) and it didn't work etc etc! Being this weight puts me in my comfort zone and the biggest step I can make from this day is to step out of this comfort zone and start on a journey which would change my life for the better!

I think dieting is 1% healthy eating 99% mental attitude! 

I know I can do it - I went from 11st 4lb after having my eldest son to 8st 7lb in about 6 months! OK I'm 20 years older - but it can still be done!

"putting on my climbing boots [mentally]" Let's get going...


Sunday, 29 June 2014

39 steps? years? puppies? NO...

...39 weeks before I go on the church holiday I'm organising (I usually organise one every 2 years).

I need to lose: 

47lb - to be 9 stone 0lb
54lb - to be 8 stone 7lb
61lb - to be 8 stone 0lb

My weigh in today: 12 stone 5lb 0oz! (I've lost 1lb from last week - whooo hoo) 

47lb loss = 1.2lb per week
54lb loss = 1.4lb per week
61lb loss = 1.5lb per week

This is do-able folks!  

My eldest son said to me - "Mum you've done it before so you can do it again!" Bless him - he's going to encourage me!

It's easier to be focused when the weather is good, but it's the winter which is the hardest,,, OK mustn't moan - have to take ownership of my life/eating AND I'm fed up with being blobby and unfit!

Anybody reading this who needs to lose weight - you CAN do this! Really you CAN!

Have a good one folks!


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Taking Ownership

In work that's the buzz phrase of the season - TAKE OWNERSHIP! What does that mean? Well stop making excuses and get on with what's supposed to be done with your particular section! 

How does this relate to losing weight?

Well ask yourself this - who made you overweight? Did someone force food into your mouth? Did someone beat you up if you didn't eat everything on your plate? 

Come on people (I'm actually talking to myself here and no I don't have multiple personalities ;) ) - no one has made me fat other than myself! 

Did I HAVE to buy that massive bag of crisps after work and eat the whole lot? NO!

Were the biscuits in the cupboard forced down my throat? NO!

Was the extra portion of food forced upon me? NO!

COME ON who made me FAT? ME - let me spell it out again M-E - however difficult this is to admit to myself - I MADE MYSELF OVERWEIGHT! Nobody else made me FAT! Nobody else turned me from a size 12 to a size 16! Nobody else made me gain 56lbs and about 50 inches!

Right NOW is the time to grab the bull by the horns and take ownership/ responsibility for my losing weight - no more hiding behind excuses and blaming others!

Have a good one folks


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

After... last post about counting lost pounds and not stones - I'm not doing too well! Apathy inc. has set in! I am so apathetic it's Pathetic! 

Exercise and drinking more water are my mental blocks - if I exercised and drank more water I think I would do better! I really should stop talking about it - and do it! Oh well ONWARD!!

Any who read this - I hope you're doing much better!


Friday, 18 April 2014

Stone and Pounds verses just Pounds

I have been wondering if I may have more of a clear focus if I concentrated on just thinking of my weight loss in pounds (or am I thinking this through too much?)

I'm around about 12 stone and I want to be 8 stone 7 pounds (again)! Working this out:

12 stone = 168lb
8 stone 7lb - 119lb
That's 49 lb to lose - I don't know, that seems an easier way of focussing on it rather than 3 stone 7lb!

Oh well, I could give it a go... Nothing to lose - except pounds [hopefully ;) ] and inches!


PS Weigh-in tomorrow...

Saturday, 5 April 2014


No loss but no gain either - a huge PHEW! Not been sticking to anything lately - so tired, thirsty and undisciplined! I so need a life coach and professional organiser by my side 24/7 (well, maybe not when I'm asleep!) >grin<

OK any who read this - hope you're doing well (whether you're losing weight or not!)

Take care and watch out for a Youtube update (something else I need to be disciplined about!)


Saturday, 29 March 2014


After all my losses - I gained 2lb! Mind, it's hardly surprising as I haven't been totally focused! OK things to change this week:

Eat sensibly
Drink more water
Exercise consistently

Here's to a new week!


Sunday, 23 March 2014

What a loser

8lb gone so far - that's over half a stone (something us Brits understand :) ). I have hardly exercised and I've not been totally good, but I have been trying to keep within my calorie allowance (even eating some naughty things!). This week I am hoping to be strict with myself and exercise to see if I can shift more than 1lb this week! 

Here goes! I will also try and update my Vlog (had a piano exam last Friday so was concentrating on that). 

Bye for now, folks


Saturday, 15 March 2014


Weighed today and I lost 1lb 14oz - yay! Happy with that as I had a migraine last Sunday and ate for Britain on the Mon and Tues and also didn't feel up to exercising (although I did walk to and from work - up and down a steep hill). 

Onwards and downwards towards a slimmer, healthier ME 

Have a fantastic weekend folks!


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Video update 5th March 2014

This video can also be found on my DietingDizzy YouTube page :)

Monday, 3 March 2014

3rd March 2014 Fat before photos

This is what I look like today and I am disgusted by it - considering I now look like a FAT middle aged woman! Would rather look like a slim, toned middle aged woman lol!

Weight: 12 stone 2lb 6oz
Bust: 43"
Waist 37" 
Hips 44"
Thighs 22"
Knees 16"
Arms 11.5"

Friday, 28 February 2014

The Temptation Tin

This is an idea I've taken from another member of (with their permission) :

Take a tin (or box) if the tin contained sweets or biscuits etc - give those away, really you don't need them!

This tin will become your temptation box.

Every time you feel the urge to stray from your weight loss plan - go online, or look through magazines or catalogues and find something which will inspire and encourage you to stay on your plan! e.g. if you're going on holiday and you want to shed some extra weight - cut out pictures of swimming costumes or if you're slimming for your wedding - cut out the wedding outfit of your dreams! Put the pictures in the box! Look at it every so often to remind yourself why you are wanting to lose those pounds!

Put in there whatever works for you! 

All the best for your quest for a healthier and slimmer future 


Thursday, 27 February 2014

Days of the week diet

Someday - have some treats but don't go berserk

Mundane (day) - don't stick to boring salads, pep them up with low fat dressings, add fruit too!

Chooseday - choose healthy low fat options from the menu when out

Spendsday - spend time planning your menus and allow for those times when you have to stop your diet for a day e.g. a day out with friends!

Thirstday - make sure you drink plenty of water

Fryday - keep off those high fat oils and dry fry things!

Statureday - don't forget to exercise!

Have a good week


Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Bags of Sugar

I was thinking about the number of Kilos I want to lose - it works out at 22 bags of sugar (1 Kg bags)!

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Ok it's only 1lb but I lost again this week - so far I've lost 5lb! Onward to losing more! (Mind, today I've probably eaten more than I should)! 

My calorie allowance this week has gone up from 1,200 to 1,400! Let's see what happens :D


Saturday, 8 February 2014

What a loser

I weighed myself to day and I've lost just under 4lb - happy with that! 12 stone 0 lbs 8oz! Onward and downward!

Have to admit, it has been a struggle - been so tempted to give up and eat the wrong stuff, but I've stuck with it and it's paid off! 

I need to drink more water this week
'step-up' the exercise

Focus focus focus!


Tuesday, 4 February 2014

A word from a Life-Storm survivor

In life there are many storms - trials, difficulties etc - those storms can either drag us down and make us weak or we can rise above them and come out stronger than ever! 

To get pure gold, the furnace has to be hot hot hot - the hotter the fire, the purer the gold. Putting this into context - the harder and more difficult the trials (if we are determined to learn through them), then the stronger we become!

To climb a mountain - we may have to overcome many hurdles, difficult hurdles, annoying hurdles, but if we persevere then we overcome those - we reach the top.

I was thinking about my High School's badge - it was a phoenix rising out of the flames, because out of the ashes can come beautiful and stronger things (in some parts of the world for plants to grow stronger each year, they have to be burned up with fire). 

Let's not let our present situations discourage or hinder us from our ultimate goal - let this help us to become stronger and more determined people!


Saturday, 1 February 2014

Article from called 9 ways you're making your skin look older

9 ways you’re making your skin look older

Guilty of heavy-handed exfoliation or forgetting the SPF? You could be ageing your skin…


  • Last updated: 28 January 2014, 17:10 GMT
    From going to sleep in your make-up to forgetting to moisturise, we all know the little habits that are bad for our skin.
    But were you aware of these nine other skincare crimes? Jill Zander, founder of theJill Zander Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, tells us where we’re going wrong…
    1. Too much moisturiser
    The more the better, right? You could be doing more harm than not applying it all. If a moisturiser is correctly suited to your skin, it should feel comfortable; the wrong one could leave your skin dry or greasy. And never apply your skin moisturiser around your eyes, as the skin is thinner here and can easily become overloaded with products. That’ll be the cause of those little white spots, you know!
    2. Over-exfoliating
    Scrub-happy people must stop now. Over-exfoliation can lead to redness and irritation and constantly stripping your skin can actually make it become greasy as it over compensates for the lack of oil. Try a non-abrasive scrub that uses AHA, BHA and fruit acids to exfoliate, rather than grains which can tear the skin. (We loveMurad’s AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser, £17.)Twice a week is all you need.
    3. Rushing serum application
    Skincare products need to be carefully layered, like you would your clothes. When using an anti-ageing serum, like Botanics Triple Age Renewal Super Serum, £10.49, it’s important to let it sink in and dry before applying your moisturiser – otherwise you dilute the concentrated anti-ageing formula with your moisturiser in one fell swoop.
    4. Squeezing spots
    Step away from the blackhead! Not only can you cause the spot to become infected but you could make it leave a scar if you’re not careful. Use a spot gel (likeNo7 Beautiful Skin Rapid Spot Rescue, £9.95) to help it fade on its own or leave it to the professionals.
    5. Skipping the SPF
    It’s grey out there so need for the sun cream, right? Wrong! The sun is the biggest cause of wrinkles and you should wear SPF come rain or shine. Many moisturisers and even make-up contain SPFs like IMAGE Skincare’s Prevention + Daily Hydrating Moisturiser SPF 30, £39.95, which moisturises while protecting. Genius.
    6. Slapping on creams
    Somewhat slap-dash when it comes to applying your creams? Stop. Vigorous rubbing can age the skin; instead, apply from the neck up using semi-firm upward movements, so you’re working against gravity. Drag downwards and you’re literally ageing yourself every morning.
    7. Skimping on sleep
    It’s called ‘beauty sleep’ for a reason. Skin repairs itself at night so if you’re regularly sleep-deprived, your complexion will give the game away.
    8. Anti-ageing before you need to
    Until you show signs of ageing, step away from the anti-ageing products. If you use potent anti-ageing products before you need them, your skin can become fragile and thin or immune to their powers.
    9. Using face wipes
    When using a face wipe, we tend to rub our skin quite vigorously, especially around the eye area. This is a big no-no as it can cause irritation, redness and even strip the skin of its essential oils.