Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Gained 4lb

I forgot to weigh the other week, then it happened - I've gained 4lb! 

4lb of yellow adipose tissue - yuck! 

Keeping going though - mustn't get fed up about it - getting fed up makes me feed up! ha!

Tuesday, 31 October 2017


Decided to challenge myself to not eating any crisps during the month of November - hence the name No'crisp'vember.

I love crisps 😍  they are so yummy and I have no willpower when it comes to eating them! 

It's 30 days of no eating any of them - 30 days isn't too bad is it? 

If anybody is reading this - fancy joining me by cutting out a food vice?

All the best if you do


Sunday, 17 September 2017

Comparing yourself to others...

...DO NOT do it!

I was watching a video on Facebook. The lady was a single mom who said she would feel like she was a bad mom because she never had money for holidays and nice things, the kids and her shared a bedroom. One day she was talking to her kids and all they saw were the fun things - sharing their bedroom with mom was exciting and they loved it. They only saw the good, fun things, but the mom focussed on the negative!

A few years back I told my sister that I felt I was always living under her shadow, as a kid, because she was academic, always had good school reports, on the whole was a good kid who never got into trouble. Her reply astounded me because she had felt the same way about me because I was chatty (still am), Miss Personality, adults loved me because I was bright, bubbly and friendly - my sister was always in the background while I got all the attention! 

You might look at other people and think - they have their lives altogether, they know what they are doing, BUT do you know what's going on inside? Do you know their every thought and action? No! They may look at you and think - wow they are so gifted in this way or that way. 

You know, we can look at others in the light of our own presumed inadequacies, but who knows, they could be thinking how amazing YOU are and how they wished they were like YOU! 

Be encouraged - you may be struggling at the moment, you may feel down, but that doesn't change the fact you are special and precious!


Wednesday, 24 May 2017

🐱👤Dieting Ninjas - Prepare your battle plan!🐱👤

🐱👤Dieting Ninjas - Prepare your battle plan!🐱👤

Edited from a thread I started on

I measured myself today and from 15 years ago my:

Waist - 12 inches [30.48 cm] (that's 1 foot!!) larger, 
Chest - 10 inches [25.4 cm] larger, 
Each thigh - 4 inches [10.16 cm] larger, 
Each knee - 5 inches [12.7 cm] larger, 
Hips are about 10 inches larger [25.4 cm]  

all in all I have gained: 

3 stone [19.05kg42lb]


MASSIVE 50 inches [4.16 ft/127 cm]  I'm only 5'2" [158 cm

Time for action - dieting 🐱👤ninjas🐱👤 are you ready?

What are YOU going to do to get back on track?

What am I going to do to get back on track?
Plan, plan, plan! I am in a battle with the bulge and battles always need planning! No point going to attack something if there is no reconnaisance (reccy) - so I must think about the foods which make me feel yuck! They may make me feel good as I'm eating them - but do I remain feeling good? Crisps - I love them, but I have found they make me desperately thirsty and headachy so forget those yummy little potato rounds - they are the enemy in disguise 1f63e - infiltrators! 
Think - when do I eat junk? Why do I eat it? - generally when I'm in work, on a break, I've not planned for my break so I buy a large bag of crisps! I also eat junk when I'm feeling miserable or upset/tired etc. 
There may be more we could address, but for now the reccy is over - now for strategic planning!

Have I any dinner dates coming up?
Is there anything which could hinder my dieting efforts (should I be calling it a diet or should I call it a lifestyle change)

OK if there is anything coming up which can hinder ones weight loss - don't think - Oh no I'm going to fail today - think - I know I'll eat more this day, but I have a plan of action in place. Don't worry about the dinner I'm going to, I'll get back on track the following day! Why is it - we know we are going out, yet we go in with the attitude of failure (before we even get to the party/dinner etc). Go in KNOWING you WILL eat more, but don't get disheartened, one day isn't going to make a huge difference - make a plan for the following day and beyond!

If you know there is someone's birthday in work and they will be bringing in yummy cream cakes - plan strategically! Know what you are going to say to refuse them! I don't eat gluten or dairy and everyone knows that so they don't offer me cakes - they apologise profusely  because I can't have any, but I see that as a good thing (not having any, not people apologising because I can't have any lol)! Don't give in just because someone says - "Go on! One won't hurt!"  

So come on fellow 🐱👤ninjas🐱👤 - let's get into action! 

Have a fab day 


PS this (on my computer)🐱👤 looks like a ninja cat, but on your phones etc it may look like a normal cat - thought I would explain because you might think I've totally and utterly cracked - well ummmmmmm! 1f60b

Thursday, 16 March 2017

NAFLD and other tid-bits

Just been reading up on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and thinking - eeeek I sometimes get a pain on the right side of my body, underneath my ribs AND the area is bigger than the other side! OK not really panicking - yet! 😱😱😱😱😱

Why oh why did I get this big in the first place? Well for a start I work in the foodhall of a well known store with well known yummy food. I couldn't help trying out the cakes and biscuits etc - problem was, I had not exercised in 10 years (due to a dodgy ankle) so the pounds piled on! 

I have lost 10lb btw - since Christmas - whooo! 

SUGAR - well here's something I shouldn't be eating - it gives me acid and makes me feel rotten - I'm sure it's not good for the old joints! Too much acid isn't good for you! And I'm sure it must be an acidic food and without any nutritional value whatsoever!

Anyway less of a whinge session and onward to a PLAN! 

Less fat
Less sugar
Less red meat
More veg
More fruit
More water

No Gluten or dairy! 

Onward I go - although I don't know if anyone reads my blog - is it worth posting anymore? I think so, just in case... you never know... it may happen one day...

Have a good one whoever reads this


Monday, 2 January 2017

Zumba Gold on a chair

Came across these videos on YouTube - remember if you do start an exercise regime always make sure you are medically fit enough to start them! I take no responsibility for any injury which may occur. These videos are not mine and I am posting them not to make any profit from them. I haven't watched them all, and take no responsibility for content!


I know it's a funny name, but basically it's exercising while on a chair. 

Yet again I have injured my ankle and I desperately need to lose weight so I can't do standing aerobics atm - I rejoined Rosemaryconley online and on there is a section for chair workouts! I did about +-20 minutes and they were really good (considering I was sitting down). I'm going to do these from now on, for a while! 

If you are very overweight or have limited mobility - try them. I've just found a Rosemary Conley one and another on YouTube