Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Comparing yourself to others...

...DO NOT do it!

I was watching a video on Facebook. The lady was a single mom who said she would feel like she was a bad mom because she never had money for holidays and nice things, the kids and her shared a bedroom. One day she was talking to her kids and all they saw were the fun things - sharing their bedroom with mom was exciting and they loved it. They only saw the good, fun things, but the mom focussed on the negative!

A few years back I told my sister that I felt I was always living under her shadow, as a kid, because she was academic, always had good school reports, on the whole was a good kid who never got into trouble. Her reply astounded me because she had felt the same way about me because I was chatty (still am), Miss Personality, adults loved me because I was bright, bubbly and friendly - my sister was always in the background while I got all the attention! 

You might look at other people and think - they have their lives altogether, they know what they are doing, BUT do you know what's going on inside? Do you know their every thought and action? No! They may look at you and think - wow they are so gifted in this way or that way. 

You know, we can look at others in the light of our own presumed inadequacies, but who knows, they could be thinking how amazing YOU are and how they wished they were like YOU! 

Be encouraged - you may be struggling at the moment, you may feel down, but that doesn't change the fact you are special and precious!


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