Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Thursday, 1 September 2022

Off the starting blocks

Do you have blocks preventing you from losing weight? I have quite a few.

1. Apathy - I don't sleep well so I find it very easy to be apathetic. This really requires a lot of effort for me to get off this starting block! I need a massive push of willpower. 🏁

2. Procrastination - well if there was a degree in this I'd be a professor but probably not until tomorrow 😉. I have said for years, "never say you're going to start tomorrow because tomorrow never comes. Always give the day you're going to start." Well that's good, but in my 💓 I procrastinate. I definitely need a 🚀 to get me off this starting block! 🏁

3. Fear (the "what if?" Syndrome - oh yes, this biggy)! What if I fail? What if... What if... What if... If I don't get off this block then I've failed already! 🏁

To win a race we have to get off the starting blocks. 🏃 Can you imagine if a sprinter was on the blocks then said "you know what I can't be bothered!" Or "it's ok I'll do it tomorrow!" Or "what if I don't win?" 

I really really do need to get off the starting blocks and get motivated to do something about my weight gain! 

Reader if you're struggling to get off the starting blocks, take heart you're not alone, but we won't win this race if we stay on the blocks, we need to get off them, get rid of the excuses and...On your marks get 

GO!! 🏁🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽🏃🏿

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