Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

A Loss - YAY!

I lost 3lb this week therefore I have another 11 to go before I reach my first goal of 14lb loss!

Must keep going and not slip up! The longer I take the worse it is psychologically to lose those pesky pounds!

BANISH those pounds FOREVER - I don't want them back!!

If, whoever reads this, is dieting - HAVE A GOOD WEEK!!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Tiredness and dieting

I have found that if I am tired - my willpower goes out the window! Here are a few tips I have found helpful in getting a good night's sleep:

1. drink plenty of fluid (water/herbal tea) during the day - avoid high energy drinks late at night
2. go to bed the same time every night. See how many hours of sleep you need to feel refreshed
3. have your bedroom at a decent temperature if it's too hot or too cold this can give you a disturbed sleep
4. don't eat too late - there's nothing worse than going to bed with indigestion
5. don't eat foods which contain MSG (Mono-sodium glutamate) or other additives especially before bedtime
6. if something is bothering you - try and let it go - don't take it to bed with you (unless it's your spouse, then you have no choice in the matter ;) )
7. depression can make you sleepless - don't be ashamed to go to your GP and ask for anti-depressants
8. if you have a baby and you're breastfeeding, but the little one isn't satisfied at night time with the milk you produce:

  • check you are drinking enough during the day - your body has to get the fluids from somewhere
  • I know breast is best, but if you are feeling really blue and miserable due to lack of sleep because of a hungry baby - supplement the night time feed with formula - it's better to have a contented baby and mum than feeling drained all the time 
  • avoid energy drinks and high sugar foods

Saturday, 13 October 2012

New Beginnings

Time to review my life, my eating habits,  the amount I drink (as in water  etc not alcohol ). It's good to review from time to time because it can refocus you and show you what's going right, what's not working etc!

Time to look at what I've been eating lately:

Biscuits - these should be a big fat NO!
Chocolate covered marzipan bars - definitely  big fat NO!
Picking in between meals
Eating whatever - not really thinking or planning
Not drinking much water/herbal teas etc

Is it any wonder I've gained 7lbs lately? 

Time to look at what I really need to do:

Plan, plan, plan
Buy the food needed (daily if fresh)
Take time over the meals instead of throwing them down me
Cut down on the gluten!
Eat more fruit and veg
Definitely avoid cakes and biscuits, with their fats and processed sugars (POISON)
Start using again to track calories
Exercise daily/keep active 
Get plenty of sleep 

Weight last week 11 stone 1lb ( back over 11 stone) - any US people reading 11x14 155lbs!!! I'm only 5'2" (1m 58). 

Have to start measuring myself again too! 


Take before pictures
Plan food
Take time over food
Drink at least 3 pints (4 would be better) of water (2 litres) daily

Let's get going to lose 1 stone (14lbs) by 25th December 2012

Have a good weekend readers


Friday, 12 October 2012

New Start

Well I really have to stop messing around and start losing again - my weight is up and down like a yo-yo!

I gained 5lb last week - crazy amount of weight to gain! 

This morning I had an M&S Classic Fruit Salad for my breakfast - apparently that's equivalent to 4 of my 5 a day fruit &/or veg!

For lunch I have salad and a ham sandwich, then dinner - not too sure!

Anybody reading this and struggling - come on focus - you CAN do it - I CAN do it too! 

Let's be BIG losers (in a dieting sense of the phrase :) )


Monday, 1 October 2012

Whoooo yeah!

I lost 2lb last week - onward and downward! 

Another 12 to go before the end of this month (hmmmm not sure if that's a bit too much, so maybe say another 5...)