Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Wednesday, 30 December 2009


D-Day became a non-starter with all the biscuits and chocolates etc lying around! So I will start on 1st Jan - so that's a couple days time!

Next week I'm starting an evening cleaning job - I'm not sure if it's permanent or just for cover! Will have to see! Will be good to get out of the house for a couple hours cos I'm in most of the time! I am looking forward to doing something useful...

OK last weigh in I was 10 stone 12 pounds - don't know what I'll be on 1st Jan! We have a Wii now and have been playing around on it...

Have a fab New Year folks...


Sunday, 27 December 2009

Monday 28th December 2009...

... is D-Day! DIETING DAY!

Really it needs to be healthy living day!

It needs to be the start of a new journey, where I start to eat healthily and exercise, then keep the lost weight off!

I have 8 weeks before my 40th birthday... :o

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Nelson's Navy

Nothing to do with dieting, but funny - had to post it...

If Nelson’s navy had been subject to today’s regulatory environment, would the Battle of Trafalgar have proceeded more like this?

“Order the signal, Hardy.”

“Aye aye sir.”

“Hold on, that’s not what I dictated to the signal officer. What’s the meaning of this?”

“Sorry sir?”

“England expects every person to do their duty – regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or disability. What sort of gobbledygook is this?”

“Admiralty policy, I’m afraid sir. We’re an equal opportunities employer now. We had the devil’s own job getting England past the censors, lest it be considered racist.”

“Gadzooks Hardy! Hand me my pipe and tobacco.”

“Sorry sir. All naval vessels have been designated smoke-free working environments.”

“In that case break open the rum rations. Let us splice the mainbrace to steel the men before battle.”

“The rum ration has been abolished, Admiral. It’s part of the Government’s policy on binge drinking.”

“Good heavens Hardy. I suppose we’d better get on with it. Full speed ahead.”

“I think you’ll find that there’s a 4 knot speed limit in this stretch of water.”

“Damn it man! We’re on the eve of the greatest sea battle in history. We must advance with all dispatch. Report from the crow’s nest please.”

“That won’t be possible sir,”

”Health and safety have closed the crow’s nest sir. No harness. And they say the rope ladder doesn’t meet regulations. They won’t let anyone up there until a proper scaffolding can be erected.”

”Then get me the ship’s carpenter without delay, Hardy.”

”He’s busy knocking up a wheelchair access to the fo’castle Admiral.”

“Wheelchair access? I’ve never heard anything so absurd.”

“Health and safety again sir. We have to provide a barrier free environment for the differently-abled.”

”Differently-abled? I’ve only one arm and one eye and I refuse to have the word mentioned. I didn’t rise to the rank of admiral by playing the disability card.”

“Actually sir, you did. The Royal Navy is under-represented in the areas of visual impairment and limb deficiency.”

”Whatever next? Give me full sail. The salt spray beckons.”

“A couple of problems there too sir. Health and safety won’t let the crew up the rigging without crash helmets. And they don’t want anyone breathing in too much salt – haven’t you seen the adverts?”

”I’ve never heard such infamy. Break out the cannon and tell the men to stand by to engage the enemy.”

“The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone, Admiral.”

“What? This is mutiny.”

”It’s not that sir. It’s just that they’re afraid of being charged with murder if they actually kill anyone. There are a couple of legal aid lawyers on board, watching everyone like hawks.”

“Then how are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?”

”Actually sir, we’re not.”

“We’re not?”

”No sir. The Frenchies and the Spaniards are our European partners now.

According to the Common Fisheries policy we shouldn’t even be in this stretch of water. We could get hit for a claim for compensation.”

”But you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.”

“I wouldn’t let the ship’s diversity co-ordinator hear you saying that sir. You’ll be up on a disciplinary.”

“You must consider every man an enemy who speaks ill of your King.”

”Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive in this multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest. It’s the rules.”

”Don’t tell me – health and safety. Whatever happened to rum, sodomy and the lash?”

“As I explained sir, rum is off the menu and there’s a ban on corporal punishment.”

“What about sodomy?”

“I believe it’s to be encouraged sir.”

“In that case, kiss me Hardy.”

Monday, 21 December 2009

Christmas is upon us

Doesn't time fly? Christmas is only a few days away, it's snowing outside (well it may have stopped by now but it's lying on the ground)!

I have lost nothing and have been eating everything! What a piggy pie! (not been eating one of those...). Anyway I'm going to be good after Christmas - I NEED to lose weight, get a hair cut and just become much more healthy than I am at the moment...

Anybody reading this - have a fabulous Christmas and a FLAB-U-LESS new year! May 2010 be a good one for shedding pounds :)

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Weigh in

Weighed myself today and I have lost zippo weight this week - this may sound strange but I don't think I ate enough last week so body went into famine mode! Oh well there's always this week - I'm upping my calorie intake to 1,400 instead of 1,200 (or less) as it was the past 2 weeks!


Drinking more
Eating more (but no more than 1,400 Kcals)
Keep exercising

OK here's moving on into this coming week :)

Have a great week readers!

Monday, 30 November 2009

H two O

The benefits of drinking good old H2O:

1. Lubricates joints
2. Maximises metabolism
3. Flushes impurities away and reduces skin blemishes
4. Flushes toxins
5. Cools
6. Aids digestion and elimination


If you don't drink enough water:

1. Dehydration
2. Feel fake hunger
3. Weight loss slows down
4. Inhibits absorbtion of goodness in food

Saturday, 28 November 2009


Have at least 5 fruit or veg a day
xercise at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week
erobic exercise gets your heart pumping
earn the signs of hunger rather than boredom
omorrow never comes so always start your regime by saying the day
old your stomach in as often as possible to improve posture
ou hold the key to your success

ose all those excuses
ntroduce different coloured foods into your cooking
egetables are really good for you
nteresting activities keep your mind off food
ever beat yourself up if you make a mistake
o for it! YOU CAN DO IT!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Looking Good...Feeling Good...Being Good

Looking good - try using skincare and moisurise your whole body - not just ya face!! Perfume Exfoliate (remove dead skin cells) at least twice a week - include your whole body in this!! I have set days - Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday - I do my face AND my body and I thoroughly moisturise afterwards

Feeling good - I always try and exercise at least 3 times a week (haha) I have to as I live on a hill and I ain't getting any younger Shocked Find an exercise you like to do - I like aerobics, toning and swimming - it doesn't have to be drudgery!!
Sit Up
Being good - OK lock away all those yummy scrummy biscuits and crisps - better still bin them or don't buy any at all!! Keep a check on the food you have in ya house and don't forget - 5 portions of fruit or veg a day to keep healthy!! Hmmmm maybe I need to practice what I preach!! Drink 2 litres of water too!! (I DEFINITELY need to practice what I preach in this area!!)
Bottled Water Watermelon Apple Pineapple Carrots Broccoli Tomato Potato Bottled Water
Beach HAVE HEAPS OF FUN Aerobics

100 good ideas to keep your diet on track

Take small steps today!

1. Walk to work.

2. Use skimmed milk instead of whole milk.

3. Do sit-ups in front of the TV.

4. Walk during your lunch hour.

5. Drink a glass of water before a meal.

6. Choose leaner cuts of red meat & poultry.

7. Eat only half your dessert – save the rest for tomorrow night!

8. Walk instead of driving whenever you can.

9. Take a family stroll after dinner.

10. Avoid food portions larger than your fist.

11. Choose olive margarine instead of butter.

12. Mow your lawn with a push mower.

13. Increase the fibre in your diet.

14. Aim for at least 5 servings of fruit and veg every day.

15. Walk the kids to school.

16. Get a dog and walk it.

17. Join an exercise group.

18. Change to diet fizzy drinks.

19. Replace Sunday drive with Sunday walk.

20. Garden!

21. Eat from a smaller plate to help control portion size.

22. Get off the bus a stop early and walk.

23. Don't eat late at night.

24. Skip seconds.

25. Work around the house.

26. Skip buffets and all-you-can-eat offers.

27. Grill, steam or bake instead of frying.

28. Cycle to the shops instead of driving.

30. Ask your doctor about taking a multi-vitamin.

31. Go for a half-hour walk instead of watching TV.

32. Use vegetable oils over solid fats.

33. More carrots, less cake!

34. Fetch the newspaper yourself.

35. Sit up straight at work.

36. Wash the car by hand.

37. Don't skip meals.

38. Swap potato crisps for celery sticks.

39. Run when running errands.

40. Pace the sidelines at sports games.

41. Take wheels off luggage.

42. Choose an activity that fits into your everyday life.

43. Use the car parking space furthest from your destination (when safe).

44. Ask a friend to exercise with you.

45. Make time in your day for physical activity.

46. Use an exercise video if the weather is bad.

47. Switch from white bread to wholegrain.

48. Keep to a regular eating routine.

49. If you find it difficult to exercise after work, exercise before work.

50. Take a walk or do desk exercises instead of a coffee break.

52. Avoid labour-saving devices.

53. Take small trips on foot to get your body moving.

54. Play active games with your kids for 30 minutes a day.

55. Dance!

56. Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office.

57. Make a Saturday morning walk a group habit.

58. Walk briskly around the shopping centre.

59. Choose activities you enjoy and you'll be more likely to stick with them.

60. Stretch before bed to give you more energy when you wake.

61. Take the long way to the water cooler.

62. Explore new physical activities.

63. Vary your activities, for interest and to broaden the range of benefits.

64. Think of yourself as a healthy person and healthy habits will become second nature.

65. Choose fruit or yoghurt for dessert.

66. Consume alcohol in moderation, if at all.

67. Take stairs instead of the escalator.

68. Conduct an inventory of your eating and activity patterns.

69. Share a main course with a friend.

70. Grill vegetables instead of roasting in oil.

71. Eat before grocery shopping.

72. Choose a checkout line without a chocolate display.

73. Make a grocery list before you shop.

74. Buy 100% fruit juices instead of fizzy or sugary drinks.

75. Swim with your kids.

76. Flavour foods with herbs, spices and other low-fat seasonings.

77. Remove skin from poultry before cooking to lower fat content.

78. Eat before you get too hungry.

79. Don't skip breakfast.

80. Stop eating when you are full.

81. Snack on fruit and vegetables, not crisps and chocolate.

82. Top your favourite cereal with apples or bananas.

83. Try brown rice or whole-wheat pasta.

84. Include several servings of whole grain food daily.

85. When eating out, choose a small or medium portion.

86. If main dishes are too big, choose an appetizer or a side dish instead.

87. Ask for salad dressing "on the side".

88. Don't take seconds.

89. Try your burger with just lettuce, tomato and onion – forget the bacon and cheese.

90. Try a green salad instead of fries.

91. Bake or grill fish.

92. Walk instead of sitting around.

93. Eat sweet foods in small amounts, if at all.

94. Take your dog on longer walks.

95. Drink lots of water.

96. Cut back on added fats or oils in cooking or spreads.

97. Stay active on holiday - walk the beach instead of sunbathing.

98. Walk to a co-worker's desk instead of emailing or calling them.

99. Carry your groceries instead of pushing a trolley.

100. Reward and acknowledge your efforts.

10 GOLDEN ways to successful weight loss

10 golden ways to successful weightloss

1. Always have breakfast
2. Avoid eating between meals
3. Watch your portion sizes
4. Be more active
5. Don't drink alcohol in excess
6. Make your meals go further with low-calorie 'fillers' e.g. tomatoes, grated carrots, beansprouts, celery and courgettes
7. Cut the fat in your food (only buy foods with 5% fat or less - check the nutrition panel on the packaging)
8. Drink plenty of water
9. Write your goals down for this year
10. Take regular exercise


1. Do some aerobic exercise every day! Try to do between 30 and 60 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, dancing etc) every day. However, if some days you can only do 15 minutes, that's still a lot better than doing nothing! Forget this twice-a-week stuff. Our bodies were designed to be active on a daily basis. When we're active our metabolism is super-charged and it also puts us in a healthy frame of mind.

2. Incorporate intervals into some of your aerobic exercise sessions. Intervals are brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise mixed into your regular aerobic exercise sessions. For example, if you're walking, you would do a one-minute interval of faster walking about every five minutes throughout your exercise session.

Here's how it will look: you start with your normal three to five minute warm-up and then five minutes into your workout you do your first interval, one minute of faster walking (or perhaps jogging). At the end of that minute, you should feel slightly out of breath and ready to slow down. You slow down to your normal exercising speed for the next four minutes and then your fifth minute is another one-minute interval. Continue this pattern throughout your exercise session and you'll derive several benefits:

- intervals increase your aerobic fitness level. While doing your interval you cross the anaerobic threshold into anaerobic metabolism, forcing your body to become conditioned to more intense exercise

- your increased level of fitness means that a given level of exercise will feel easier and that you will be able to exercise at a higher intensity which burns more calories

- your increased level of fitness also means that you will be less fatigued from daily activities and you'll have more "energy" throughout the day

- intervals increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR), causing you to burn more calories 24 hours a day

- intervals cause you to burn more calories during your exercise session and for several hours afterwards

- intervals will tone the involved muscles to a greater degree than your regular aerobic exercise would

- intervals can make your exercise less monotonous and help the time pass more quickly

- intervals can help you to get past a weight loss plateau

- intervals will energise you!

3. Tone your muscles with weight training at least twice a week. Toned muscles really boost your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories 24 hours a day - yes, even while you're sleeping you'll be burning more calories!

4. Always eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast sends a message to your body that you're "starving" because you haven't had food in 12+ hours. As a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down and your body begins to burn your muscle as fuel. Breakfast also gives your body the fuel it needs to exercise effectively!

5. Look for situations to be active. Park as far from the shopping centre as you can rather than looking for the closest spot. Use the stairs rather than the lift or escalator, do more jobs around the house yourself, like washing the windows or the car or mowing the lawn. Look for the "difficult" way to do things - the way that requires the most effort - and see these situations as opportunities to be active!

Top 10 Diet Tips

1. Write down 3 reasons WHY you want to lose weight.
This is the first and most important step. If you don’t know WHY you want something, it won’t be as important for you to get it. Be positive with your goals. Don’t write down things like ‘I don’t want to be this big or this fat’ or something equally as negative. This is telling yourself what you don’t want. Try not to write down meaningless things; instead write down positive goals like – ‘I want to look great in my little black number on Valentine’s Day’ – this is telling yourself exactly what YOU WANT.

2. Believe in yourself.
How often have you admired someone and their achievements and then instantly thought ‘I would love to be able to do that, but I just couldn’t’. We are all human and we all think like this on occasions. But don't limit your achievements by your thoughts. You CAN do whatever you want to do – you can do whatever you REALLY want to do.

3. Identify reasons and occasions when you overeat.
If you THINK about the places, times, people you are with when you eat, the occasions and reasons why you overeat will become glaringly obvious. THINK about it – is it at work, at home, at the weekends, at night, when you are with certain people, when you are alone? THINK and ASK because the answers are in the questions.

4. Make gradual but permanent behaviour changes.
Not an instant step, but a very necessary and a very possible one. Gradually change the contents of your fridge to healthier products, steadily increase your fruit and vegetable portions, phase out those biscuits and treats and make smart choices a part of your everyday life. Healthy eating will become a healthy habit!

5. Reduce your portion sizes.
It is a fact that if we weigh too much we are eating too much. Sometimes we are eating very healthy foods, but we are eating too much of them. So it is vital that we become aware of how much we are eating and that we reduce it. Use a smaller plate, weigh food on your kitchen scales initially so that you know the weight of the general every day food items, use the same size of plate for meals so that you know how much food to put on it. We have to get used to controlling the portion sizes and hence the amount of food we eat.

6. Drink water!
Dehydration, often mistaken for hunger, can lead to fatigue, slows the metabolism and can reduce our concentration and short-term memory. Drinking at least 1½ litres of water each day will not only help fill you up but can ease joint pain, help your organs such as the kidney and liver work more efficiently and improve the condition of the skin (and help banish cellulite).

7. Always eat breakfast!
Skipping breakfast sends a message to your body that you're "starving" because you haven't had food in a number of hours. As a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down and your body begins to burn your muscle as fuel. Breakfast also gives your body the fuel it needs to exercise effectively.

8. Make exercise a regular habit.
Exercise is perhaps the ‘secret weapon’ in
successful and permanent weight loss. There is nothing with greater body benefits than exercise. We can start gently and build up gradually - a short walk is a fantastic way to begin or choose some other activity which you enjoy such as swimming, aerobics or playing tennis with a friend.

9. Tone your muscles with weight training.
Toned muscles really boost your metabolism and cause your body to burn calories faster - yes, even while you're sleeping, you'll be burning more calories!

10. Look for situations to be active.
Park as far from the shopping centre as you can rather than looking for the closest parking spot. Use the stairs rather than the lift or escalator, do more jobs around the house yourself, like washing the windows or the car or mowing the lawn. Look for the "difficult" way to do things - the way that requires the most effort!

When you start putting these 10 easy steps into place, you will start on the road to healthy weight loss this year.

Developing a PMA

1. Set yourself some weight loss goals and timescales in which to achieve them.

2. Eat 3 meals a day.

3. Eat low fat foods.

4. Set yourself a fitness plan

5. Stop making excuses and do it!

6. Mix with supportive, positive people.

7. Always make a list before you go food shopping.

8. Don't eat between meals.

9. Be enthusiastic about your health and fitness campaign.

10. Picture yourself at your goal weight, looking terrific!

11. Be as active as possible in everyday life

Havey Theorum

Step Aerobics Aerobics Sit Up Push Up Jumping Rope
Ice WaterBottled WaterOrange JuiceBottled Water Ice Water
Healthy Foods + Exercise + Water =
BroccoliStrawberryCarrotsGrape 2CornPineapple
Jumping Jacks Squats Weight LiftingStationary Bike

Dieters' ABC

Always drink plenty of water
Beware of fat and calorie content of food
Count the number of steps you take
Diary - keep a track of the foods you eat
Exercise daily
Fat is a no-no
Goals - set them and stick to them
Hop skip and jump - keep moving
Intake fewer calories and lose weight
Jump to it and start today
Kitkats are an occasional treat
Look to the future of how you will be
Move around often
Nuts are good for you in small quantities
Open new doors with your new self
Pursue your goals to the end
Question yourself as to whether you need that chocolate bar really!
Rest assured you WILL succeed if you stick to your diet plan
Sensible eating means you eat 5 fruit or veg a day, drink plenty of water and cut down on your fat intake
Take one day at a time - if you make a mistake don't panic, tomorrow is another day and a new start!
Understand your body - the more food you eat and the less exercise you take guarantees weight gain!
Va va voom - you will have plenty of it if you lose weight and exercise!
Wait and see the difference of your body - losing weight takes time but is worth it!
Xtra portions = weight gain
You are the only one who can do this. Others can't do it for you
Zing is what you will have with your new low weight

This week

This week I have started a new life - no I haven't left my family ;) I started eating healthily and have exercised! Today I did 1 hour 3 mins of aerobics and toning!

I can do this! :)

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Look out for the warning signs!

Look out for the warning signs!

This is a fab article on Rosemary Conley's blog!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Dumper Trash Can for Lack of Weightloss Excuses

Excuse number 1: I can always start tomorrow (as we know, tomorrow never comes) *opens dumper lid and throws no. 1 in*

Excuse number 2: I can't start this week because I'm going to a friend's house for dinner and she always cooks loads of lovely food (no excuses here - I go every week duh uh she's a really good friend who will support me in my weight loss quest) *opens dumper lid and throws no.2 in*

Excuse number 3: But what about all the yummy food I like - like chocolate etc (there's a lot of yummy low fat recipes that Rosemary has in her cook books and magazines so no excuse for high fat stuff) *opens dumper lid and throws no. 3 in*

Excuse number 4: I'm a big fat failure - I can't do it and will fail after a week then I'll look like a numpty (you look like a numpty now for putting weight on in the first place! Just don't be a failure, get up from wallowing in the slough of despond, wipe yourself off and go show the world what you CAN do - don't let a thing like this get the better of you!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 4*

Excuse number 5: I home educate my kids I haven't got time (get off your butt and go exercise - you've got more time than people who work in an office AND you lost lots of weight after having the lads so you've got no excuse!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 5*

Excuse number 6: I'm comfortable with the way I have become and can't imagine being the weight I was a few years back before I gained (what a load of rubbish - deep down you're miserable and you want to be thin, but you've become a lazy blob, now stop being dumb and negative, get off your butt and show the world what you're made of!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 6*

Excuse number 7: But I waste a lot of food because I fail and it's just too expensive to keep throwing loads of food out (well, follow the menus, stop being a plonker and going back to bad ways then you won't waste food) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 7*

Excuse number 8: I have too much choice - I don't know where to begin! (Pathetic excuse! Choose your favourite foods/dishes and formulate them into a menu plan! QUIT whining!!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 8*

Excuse number 9: I don't like salads! (they're not that bad! Remember a lot of junk food only seems to taste better because they contain no goodness whatsoever - salad is healthy and may not be like eating sausage and chips, but it is much better for you in the long run! Jazz up your salads with low calorie dressings - it's hardly rocket science!) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 9*

Excuse number 10: I get distracted by the computer/DVD player/Wii (well, duh-uh you're a grown up who should be disciplined! It's not major-league difficult to get your butt off that seat and actually start disciplining yourself - you may actually enjoy being in a routine...) *opens dumper lid and throws in excuse no 10*

OK folks - I know, talking to myself eh? Does one good to give oneself a dressing down :D You can't hide behind yourself! OK I'm out in the open with my excuses - where can I run and hide? I can't - I probably have more excuses I'm hiding behind, but will address them as they rear their ugly heads! :)

Monday, 9 November 2009

Sunday, 1 November 2009


Managed to get through day 2 - although not exercised mainly stuck to the menu - had a banana instead of salad and potato - I'm really full and can't manage all the food on my menu!

Monday 2nd November is start exercising day!

Have fun readers


Saturday, 17 October 2009

Food glorious food...

I'm a foodie and not a drinkie! I prefer to eat than drink but I eat loads when I should be drinking!

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Ode to Crisps

Twas the night before weigh-in
And sat on the shelf
Was a packet of crisps
All by itself.
The flavour was cheddar
And onion too
I felt like I wanted them
At quarter past two

I got out of bed
And crept down the stairs
Hoping, just hoping
The pack was still there.
I opened the door
And peeked inside
There on the shelf
They sat with such pride

The shiny black packet
With writing so bold
Was a brilliant sight
Wondrous to behold.
My hand snuck in silently
To reach for the pack
I really, just really
Wanted a snack.

With stealth and precision
I opened the bag
And took a deep sniff
Oh what a drag!
I felt really guilty
My conscience kicked in
Should I decide to throw
Them all in the bin?

Oh what a dilemma
What should I do?
I fancied a snack
At quarter past two
I think I should trust
My instinct again
And throw them away
And never complain

So I opened the lid
And threw them right in
To join the biscuits
At the bottom of the bin!
Then upstairs I went
Feeling so smug
I got under the duvet
And felt really snug

From my book of crazy poems - Larger Than Life on Rollerskates

Monday, 12 October 2009

Don't blame it on the biscuits, don't blame it on the chocolate...

...don't blame it on the BBQs - blame it on ya willpower! Here I am yet again writing something similar to what I always seem to be writing! *sigh*

Tuesday is D Day - I HAVE to lose weight - started exercising!

Until next time - TTFN


Sunday, 4 October 2009

OK had enough

Argh - yet another blog to whinge about myself and my eating habits! I hate myself sometimes for being undisciplined, lazy, fat, frumpy and just an expert procrastinator! The motto - Why put off tomorrow what you can do today - doesn't figure in my life! Grrrrrrrr

WHY oh WHY do I find it hard to be self-disciplined to diet and exercise? After having both my lads I dieted and exercised and successfully lost (and kept off) the pregnancy weight - I actually was a lower weight than I'd ever been my whole adult life (up to that point)!

I am scared of failing yet again - that's the problem - I think I'll start a diet and then feel sick at the thought of starting then failing for the 4th year running! Why don't I just forget the past failures, get my rear into gear and lose weight - I know I'd be happier, fitter, look better, feel better!

Thanks for reading folks :) That's a load off my chest - well not yet... :p



Sunday, 20 September 2009


OK folks - I haven't been good at all - although I have been doing some exercise now! The more I write about it - the less I do - maybe I should stop writing and start doing!

Today I have eaten a LOT of junk but there's always Monday (tomorrow) - still trying to avoid the word tomorrow as it never comes :)

Sunday, 6 September 2009

OK let's try a new strategy...

I was gluten free and dairy free years ago - let's try that! *sigh*

Monday, 31 August 2009

What am I doing?

I sit around all day doing nothing, then I psycho analyse my life and wonder why I never get anything done - what a numpty!

OK Tuesday 1st September = DDDay - Drastic Decision Day! This HAS to be it - I've faffed around for too long it's time to ACT

It's time to change my life habits - it's scary and it makes me sick to think I may fail yet again! BUT if I keep going and don't look back it CAN be done!

I have 26 weeks before my 40th birthday! So at 2lb per week - that's 52lb BUT I won't always lose 2lb per week - I may plateau or only lose .5lb or 1lb so time is against me - I HAVE to work towards this!

Friday, 14 August 2009

Do I really want to...

...carry on doing this if no one reads it? Not been on for a while cos not sure it's worth it - posted a few videos on youtube and some have been watched, but how do I know anyone's reading these posts?

Well I guess I'll plod on - I'm a plodder! Maybe I should go on in the eve and write down all I've done but I don't want to bore my potential readers more than I probably am already...

Friday, 10 July 2009


Hey readers (if I have any) - it's been nearly a month since I last posted on here!

Lost weight and put it on again, now getting serious about this healthy living thing - really need to get my act together! So here I am again nearly completed the first week of my Fat Attack Fortnight (or FAF for short). Have to write my shopping list in a bit before my other half goes shopping - yep, that's right, my husband does the weekly shop - he says I spend too much when I do it!

OK readers have a good weekend and I'll try and post on here more often - same as Youtube - I have a dieting blog on there and only posted one video - doh!

Carolyn xxxx

Friday, 12 June 2009

A poem for struggling Dieters written by me!

Why is it all we have to do

Is eat less then we'll lose

Many pounds and inches?

But food we seem to choose;

That's high in fat and calories

Sugar and really bad stuff

You'd think we'd have learnt by now

And know when enough's enough

Why is it all we have to do

Is exercise to lose the flab

Tone up all those loose muscles

To look absolutely fab?

Instead we pro-cras-tinate

We put things off a while

Our DVDs gather dust

Which looks particularly vile

We know what we have to do

To lose those stubborn thighs

We must eat a healthy diet

Not high fat chicken pies

We know the rules from back to front

But it seems to no avail

Because we slip up often enough

And feel as if we fail

Dear dieter although we falter

Do not live in despair

Because we can really do it

Our willpower is somewhere

Let's just focus on our goal

And aim to take small steps

And if we have a bad day

Just learn not to fret

None of us are hopeless

We all have some worth

Even if we find it hard

To lose our x-large girth

So come on fellow dieters

Chin up don't be sad

Dieting isn't rocket science

It isn't all that bad...

Friday, 29 May 2009

Last posted

Oh dear it was a while since I lasted posted an entry - well I have been away this week and was busy last week so I guess I have my reasons!

I weighed myself this morning and have gained the 3lbs I lost a few weeks back! Which is really annoying! BUT I'm not letting it get me down - I'm going to exercise in a little over an hour and I will exercise daily now cos that's the way to lose weight! I really need to drink more as well!

Oh well, until next time


Sunday, 17 May 2009

Another Week

Hi ya!

Here we are going to start a new week of diet and exercise! I have been thinking that it is probably better if I can keep the momentum up - to do 2 aerobics DVDs a day or 1 aerobics and 1 toning because if I want to shift these pounds I am going to have to shake my booty! I really should get toning too! I have until the beginning of August to lose at least a stone so thats 2.5 months away!

So instead of typing on here - gonna let my hubby on and then go and do some aerobics (despite having a migrain yesterday!)

Until next time...
