Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Friday, 2 January 2015

I don't like myself much! STOP!

I dug out some really nice trousers the other day from my wardrobe and they were a size 12 :-s they fitted me really well, 10 years ago! I know people say, don't hang onto your old clothes etc, but I have, in the hope of being able to fit into them again! I have size 16s (which I am, but I'm the upper end of 16), 14s and 12s so I have plenty of measuring garments!  

I don't like myself much - but I think to be successful we have to learn to love ourselves (not in a narcissistic way). I have been thinking about all the things which I didn't regard as important, in my past, until recently - achievements or acknowledgments that say - OK I can't be that bad... e.g. (not showing off - these are examples)

  • When I was 17 I was chosen to represent Girl Guides Wales in Thailand - someone must have thought highly of me to choose me out of 50 others. 
  • I was chosen to represent my fellow students in Cardiff Uni - there were about 6 of us who had replied - again my fellow students must have thought highly of me... 

I won't go on because you will all think I'm big-headed lol!

I began to wonder - why do we think so little of ourselves when many people probably look up to us as role models or whatever?

I remember saying to my sister that I always felt as if I lived in her shadow because she was very academic and always got good grades, but I'm a plodder and generally gained 'C; grades - her reply astonished me! She said that she always felt as if she lived in my shadow because I was little miss personality and everyone I met [adults] loved me! [my mum would have been happy to let me stay with them for a week because I was a right little pain in the butt at home lol]. 

Begin the year by thinking of your achievements - the compliments you've had, the things you've been chosen to do. Even if the only things you can think of are the hugs your children have given you and said I love you! The cards you've received from family and friends. etc. These things show that although we may not appreciate and love ourselves - others do - we can then start shifting the focus from not appreciating ourselves to thinking - you know what - I'm not that bad after all! 

Have a fantastic 2015

Carolyn xxxx

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