Wow it's a month since I last posted on here!
Been thinking for the past week about comfort zones and how we all love to stay in them! I love my fatty comfort zone - if I'm in it I don't have to lose weight because that takes up waaaaaay too much effort! Exercising - whoa now come on that takes me well out of my comfy zone - steady on there!
OK this is my problem - stepping out of my comfy zone! I'm the same where recruiting for Avon is concerned! I hate going out recruiting and yet I'm fine standing in front of a whole host of people and talking or giving a presentation!
OK now onto control!
Being in my comfy zone makes sure I am the one in control! That's why I love standing in front of people, imparting the knowledge I have learned - I am the one in control - I know more than the people I am training. It all revolves around ME! I,I,I,I
Time to change - I am undisciplined (the undiscipline and laziness is all tied up with being in my comfy zone and in a strange way, being in control of MY life) Phew heavy stuff eh?
I have a wedding to go to in May and possibly one in June and I have about 28lbs to lose by then to fit into a nice size 12 (or even a 10). HELP!
I read an article today about Britain's fattest teenager: She is in the same predicament as me no doubt (although she has a lot more weight to lose!).
In some ways I can understand her frustrations - it's a lot easier to give in and be a failure than step out of her comfy zone and actually take the bull by the horns and do something pro-active about her weight! Pro-active = lots of effort! Poor girl has little or no support from anyone so I guess she feels as if she is backed into a corner and may as well not bother trying! I can't condemn her tbh!
OK less talk and more action! :D