Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Weekly Diet News

Just thinking about posting a video on You tube every week to record my weight loss - not sure if I'll keep it up, but it's just a thought! 

My dieting channel can be found here

There's not a lot on it atm, but if I can get my act together, get organised etc I will post some new videos on it SOON!

Don't forget it can be found here 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A fab video on RC TV

This is a fabulous link!

YOU (and ME) have to take responsibility for our lives - STOP blaming everything else! 

I blame everyone and everything etc! FABULOUS advice!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Rosemary Conley's Solo Slim meals

OK tried these meals and have to say that they are nice - I think I would rather home made ones though!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Check your calories; don't live in denial!

In work on Saturday there were 3 packets of Cheese Tasters going (they're like Wotsits) - they were HUGE packets, so I bought them MASSIVE mistake as I love them! Yesterday I ate a whole pack (100g) and then thought - Hmmmm should have checked the calories (I knew there would be a lot, but anyway)! In that one pack there was 520 Kcals and 29.3g fat! That's nearly my whole day's allowance in one bag of junk (let's face it - they are junk, they're not exactly nutritional)!

So if you're tempted - don't live in denial and think - one pack won't matter - they sure will - check the nutritional panel and be prepared to be S H O C K E D

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

30 soups to go!

Yesterday I made 6 soups which broke down into 30 portions - no excuse for not having lunches now...

Onto making Gluten Free bread to freeze to go with the soup

Monday, 10 October 2011

Dieter's Review

When you're in work or school you would sometimes get a review or report on how you have worked for that term or month etc! Well, if there was such a thing as a dieting review this is how mine would go:

Dizzy starts off really well, she is disciplined for the first 2 or 3 days, sticking to the menu plan and exercising, but after 3 days things start to slip, she stops weighing/measuring out her food, the exercise DVDs start to get a bit dusty again and she starts slipping naughty little things in when she thinks no one is looking. Unless this is turned around she will be a size 20 before she knows it and will be obese on the BMI scale, whereas at the moment she is just overweight and a size 16.

Dizzy can do this if she puts her mind to it - all she needs is the self-discipline to actually sit down and plan the week's menu and shopping list and then cook the food. She has lost about 3 stone before on the Rosemary Conley diet and I know with a bit of effort and self-discipline she could lose it again. She really needs to dump the excuses e.g. well I'm in my 40s now, things are going to get harder and I really don't care about being overweight - I know she DOES care about being a size 16 and having a lot of size 12s in her cupboard dying to be worn again (some haven't even been worn). Another thing she needs to do is stop thinking about it, stop giving advice, psycho-analysing everything and just get off her well cushioned posterior and put those words into action - there's no point her giving advice if she doesn't put it into practice herself - that's just pure hypocrisy!

Dizzy needs a good kick up the rear to get moving. She has to put aside all apathy, laziness, lack of motivation and start thinking outside of the box. She can do it if she tries.

Grade - LFB (Lardy Fat Butt) or in academic terms - F (which can be turned around to A* with a bit more self-effort and determination)!

Signed: Slim Gym

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Vital stats

haha not giving them away but I expect they are round about this:

Bust - 40"+
Waist 35"+
Hips 42"+

I am sooooo big compared to a fair few years ago when my vitals were approx

Bust - 36"
Waist - 26"
Hips - 38"

My weight was always between 8st 7lb and 8st 13lb Now I'm 11st 1lb - ARGH!

Weigh-In SHOCK!

Sounds like a tabloid headline - well may as well be! I weighed myself this morning and I'm now 11 stone 1lb - ARGH! For my 5'2" frame that is waaaaaay toooooo heavy! I should be about 8 stone 7lb

If I was a star - can you imagine the headlines?

OK will really really try and be self disciplined and stick to a regime! :)

Saturday, 9 July 2011

ADHD results

After doing an online test (with hubby's help to make sure I was being reasonable with my answers) this is what the result is:

Results of your
Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz

You scored a total of 96

It is highly likely that you are presently suffering from adult attention deficit disorder, according to your responses on this self-report questionnaire. You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately.

Serious ADHD Likely!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

My diet/weight loss

Well, lately I have been totally NOT trying to lose weight and I think I've gained a bit of weight (too scared to weigh myself)!

Anyway been thinking about why food is such a big issue... WHY oh WHY does it rule our lives? We eat because:

We're hungry - this is ligit.
We're thirsty - this is a half and half -we should drink instead of eat! We're bored We're depressed We're tempted and give in We crave the additives in the food - they are addictive
We don't exercise (I eat more when I don't move)

So folks - what can we do about this? How can we change our eating habits? I'll let you know when I've lost the 28+lbs I want to lose! ;)

Previous weigh-in - 10 stone 10 lbs (that's 150lbs or approx 69? KG)

Goal weight - 8 stone (114lbs)

WILL I DO IT? Who knows - I would like to think I would, but you will have to


Thursday, 9 June 2011

Mary Kay skincare

I am soooo excited today because I received my Mary Kay skincare set (the basic one). I used it about 16 years ago and it was fab! Looking forward to using it again!

Sometimes I wish I was more brave to sell things like MK - I used to be a consultant years ago but:

a. I'm so scared of asking people if they want a class
b. I sell myself so well, but never deliver on the goods (if you get what I mean) ie I appear confident but when it comes down to it - I'm not really good at this kind of thing!

I prefer MK skincare to Avon because it's better quality, suits my skin is gorgeous etc. It is more expensive than Avon, but not much more! It's more expensive to join, but at least you get a start up kit for your money AND training with MK!

Oh well, one day maybe :D

Tuesday, 7 June 2011


Thought I would post today - just to show I'm still around and I'm still round ;) Wish I was more disciplined to write on here daily (or weekly, but regularly anyway) - however good or bad I'm doing!

Oh well onward I go...

Friday, 11 March 2011

Can't be hassled atm

Don't know why, but I really can't be bothered dieting - I feel like a squeezed lemon a lot of the time! *sigh*

The more I think about it - the less inclined I am to do it! Oh well onward!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Ladder of Success

I came across this picture on the internet today - I'm on the bottom rung... Where are YOU?


Psychology, comfort zones and control

Wow it's a month since I last posted on here!

Been thinking for the past week about comfort zones and how we all love to stay in them! I love my fatty comfort zone - if I'm in it I don't have to lose weight because that takes up waaaaaay too much effort! Exercising - whoa now come on that takes me well out of my comfy zone - steady on there!

OK this is my problem - stepping out of my comfy zone! I'm the same where recruiting for Avon is concerned! I hate going out recruiting and yet I'm fine standing in front of a whole host of people and talking or giving a presentation!

OK now onto control!

Being in my comfy zone makes sure I am the one in control! That's why I love standing in front of people, imparting the knowledge I have learned - I am the one in control - I know more than the people I am training. It all revolves around ME! I,I,I,I

Time to change - I am undisciplined (the undiscipline and laziness is all tied up with being in my comfy zone and in a strange way, being in control of MY life) Phew heavy stuff eh?

I have a wedding to go to in May and possibly one in June and I have about 28lbs to lose by then to fit into a nice size 12 (or even a 10). HELP!

I read an article today about Britain's fattest teenager: She is in the same predicament as me no doubt (although she has a lot more weight to lose!).

In some ways I can understand her frustrations - it's a lot easier to give in and be a failure than step out of her comfy zone and actually take the bull by the horns and do something pro-active about her weight! Pro-active = lots of effort! Poor girl has little or no support from anyone so I guess she feels as if she is backed into a corner and may as well not bother trying! I can't condemn her tbh!

OK less talk and more action! :D

Saturday, 22 January 2011


Weighed last week and I'd GAINED 2lb - this week I've lost a pound so nearly at the 2 weeks ago weight - argh!

Anyway starting to FAF - nothing new there, you may say! What that means is


For 2 weeks my calorie intake will be 1,200 - after that it will rise to 1,400! Hoping to kick start myself!

Watched an exercise DVD yesterday (I know, I should partake). Decided not to do the one I watched - more than likely will start on the one Rosemary Conley did last year!

OK folks have fun

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

my fitness pal

Strange - my previous weigh-in was 148.2 lbs and my new weigh in was 145 - that's 3lb (isn't it, or am I going nuts?) OK it's a bit under 3lb, but it's not 1lb)

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Weigh In

So far I have lost 3lb - so now 10st 9lb (on my new scales) 10st 4lb (on my old scales) :)

Saturday, 1 January 2011


Ooooo - it's 2011 already and today I am starting a sponsored diet - I aim to lose 14lbs (1 stone) by the end of Feb! I weighed myself this morning and I have gained 2lb from last week - argh!

OK here is my weight

10 stone 12lb

So here's to a new year and a new me!

Have a good one folks! :D