Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Friday, 29 May 2009

Last posted

Oh dear it was a while since I lasted posted an entry - well I have been away this week and was busy last week so I guess I have my reasons!

I weighed myself this morning and have gained the 3lbs I lost a few weeks back! Which is really annoying! BUT I'm not letting it get me down - I'm going to exercise in a little over an hour and I will exercise daily now cos that's the way to lose weight! I really need to drink more as well!

Oh well, until next time


Sunday, 17 May 2009

Another Week

Hi ya!

Here we are going to start a new week of diet and exercise! I have been thinking that it is probably better if I can keep the momentum up - to do 2 aerobics DVDs a day or 1 aerobics and 1 toning because if I want to shift these pounds I am going to have to shake my booty! I really should get toning too! I have until the beginning of August to lose at least a stone so thats 2.5 months away!

So instead of typing on here - gonna let my hubby on and then go and do some aerobics (despite having a migrain yesterday!)

Until next time...


Thursday, 14 May 2009


...but not until tomorrow! I hope I've lost more weight!

I have a longish walk to do today to get to a rehearsal for my G5 flute exam! I'll have to remember my pedometer Last night I did 30 minutes of aerobics - medium impact! so I was pleased with that!

Been relatively good with my food (why is food such an issue for a lot of people - including me?)

I've been wondering lately how many people read my blog(s)! Am I posting to nobody or do people actually read my writings? If you visit - fancy leaving a comment... GO ON it won't hurt ya!

OK until next time (tomorrow after my weigh-in perhaps...)


Monday, 11 May 2009

The Weekend and Now

Well, here I am again! I really don't feel like posting anything but thought I would keep someone up to date (not sure if anyone reads this or not!)!

OK over the weekend I ate 4 almond macaroons and about 4 choc chip muffins - I know I should have had more self control! Today I have hardly drunk anything (AGAIN!) but I have eaten fruit and some sausages and 2 bread rolls!

I'm feeling rather miserable lately - I think it's the stress of my flute exam and the feelings of foreboding! I have about 6 weeks to go and I really don't feel as if I'm good enough to take the exam! Oh well I've paid for it now so tough really! I HAVE to do it!

I have been putting together some crazy poems I've written so I can publish a book! Not sure who would buy them but someone might!

OK until next time readers


Friday, 8 May 2009


Whooo - weighed myself this morning and I have lost 3lbs - yippee! Need to get my act together for carrying on - I have eaten an almond macaroon tonight - eek that will be fattening! If I want to lose 2.5 stone I need to focus, focus, focus! I keep forgetting to measure myself! Going to do aerobics in a bit - have to let my dinner settle!

OK onward to next week - things I need to improve on though:

1. I need to drink a LOT more water
2. I really need to exercise more (I thought I had been, but looking back probably not!)
3. I really need to resist chocolate (even though I only ate a small amount - those calories add up!)
4. I have to check my portion sizes - I'm sure I ate way too much Cottage Pie yesterday!
5. Plan plan plan ahead is the key! My lunches went a bit off track (although I tried to make healthy ones!)
6. Forgot to measure myself last week so I will have to do that today!



Monday, 4 May 2009

Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2009

Well here I am again with another dieting blog installment! Not too much to report - yesterday evening I did nearly 20 mins of salsacise and today I think I'll do some aerobics ! For breakfast I ate 2 gluten free home made American Style Pancakes, 1oz raspberries and 1x 150g pot of soya cherry yogurt! It was really yummy! Lunch will be a tuna salad with lots of salad veg etc and maybe 1tsp of Hellman's Extra Light Mayo - yummy - it's 3% fat so much better than the other mayo, although not as creamy!

One thing I have to do is drink more - I really am not drinking enough and if I carry on I won't stick to my eating plans!

I really need to do more walking as well - I stay indoors too often! (Hey they have a flautist and I play the flute - that was an aside...)

OK until next time - have a fab bank holiday - hope this afternoon cheers up - typical Brit BH it's raining!
