I posted this on the Get Slim diet website (you need to be a member to see the post) [it has been edited slightly]
When you want to start losing weight AGAIN for the 500th time this month (or any given month), are you struck with fear? 😲
Do you fear:
Lack of self discipline?
Motivation to keep going?
General apathy?
Add anything else here...
Couch Moment (I think I need a permanent Psychiatrist)!
I have been printing out oodles of recipes for soups and other dishes, which are on this site, but as I was looking at the pile of papers, I was struck with fear -
What is the point of printing these out if I am not going to follow the recipes - what a waste of paper?
What if I won't lose weight - my comfort zone is to be rather a free spirit where food is concerned! To step out of my comfort zone atm is daunting - I actually have to think about what I'm going to eat instead of winging it! 😱
What if I make these dishes and waste the food?
This losing weight thing is frustrating because I was relatively good at keeping my weight off in my 20s and 30s (I did gain a stone every so often, but I'd soon lose it). Now I'm in my early 50s and although I'm not as big as I was in my mid-late 40s, I'm a stone and a half heavier than I was in 2019 after I lost 3.5 stone.
How do you face your dieting fears? Head on or do you crumple in a heap in despair? Sometimes I 'get in the zone' and get on with it, other times, I crumple in a heap!
Whoever is reading this - don't get despondent, be encouraged - you're not alone!
Take care and enjoy your week