Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 13 December 2020

UPDATE December 2020

 Last year I managed to lose weight to fit into size 12 (UK) clothes and I felt great! THEN came Christmas and after that my 50th birthday, THEN Covid - I am now wearing size 14 (UK) and have gained over a stone (14lbs - not sure what the kilos are)!

Maybe it's time to start my YouTube channel up again and Vlog my weight loss progress, plus maybe share some tips, places visited (Covid lockdowns depending), food eaten etc etc! 

Hope my readers are well and staying safe and healthy!  

My YouTube channel:

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Psychology and Dieting - a book I'm reading called... [read on to find out]

I've often thought (and said) that dieting is about  90% psyche and 10% food - I have just started reading a book by Dr Helen McCarthy, a Clinical Psychologist, called:

How to Retrain Your Appetite: Losing Weight Permanently Eating All Your Favourite Foods. 

ISBN: 978-1-911624-47-9

I received it today (Sunday 30th August 2020) and have read the first 3 chapters, so far - it's very easy to read and so far has some really good points to make. I feel this could be the book for me, to help me crack my bad eating habits and to gain control of my yo-yo dieting tendencies. 

I'm not on commission from the author (haha - I don't even know her), but hopefully will keep you updated about my progress and I will give you a fuller review once I've finished reading the book!

Have a wonderful Bank Holiday Weekend
