Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Another money incentive

Why not use an accumulative total when losing weight! Let me show you below:

(I'm using GBP £ as I'm a Brit)

5lb lost = £5
10lb loss = £10 (plus the £5 = £15)
15lb lost = £15 (plus the £15 = £30)
20lb loss = £20 (plus the £30 = £50)
25lb loss = £25 (plus the £50 = £75)
30lb loss = £30 (plus the £75 = £105)
35lb loss = £35 (plus the £105 = £140)

Edited on 22nd Sept 2019 - I've lost 49lb so far! 

You may not be able to afford that amount, but you work the totals (rules) as your budget will allow! 

Monday, 3 June 2019

9lb (NINE POUNDS) to go

I have 9 pounds to go before I reach 9 stone! I would love to be just under that - OK between 8st 7 and 8st 13lb!

Have a week off work this week so I  have my menus planned out and I also need to drink more water and do more exercise and hope I can shed a few pounds this week - I stayed the same last week! 

BOO HOO - this is now 9th May 2021 and I'm now 11st 0lb! Yep, I've gained weight! Looking at my YouTube Dieting channel and seeing if I can resurrect is and post regularly on it! 

Onward and downward!