Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Weekly Blog, journalling and losing weight.

I was wondering, today, whether to do a weekly blog (memory depending 😉). I don't know if many people read this, but hey, it's good to document your life, sometimes!

I journal and try to write daily - doesn't always happen, but I do try and keep it updated as much as possible. I started writing a journal last year (2017) and really enjoyed writing one so this year I've continued and I have next year's ready! 

It's so important to remember the good and bad times, how one coped during difficult times. 

Losing Weight:

Managed to get down to 10 stone 10 a few months back, but weighed myself last Sunday and I'm 11 stone 10lb! ARGH! Why is gaining easier than losing? Well not beating myself up - it's not worth it, best thing is to pick myself up and carry on again! 

Last Sunday I went for a longish walk and I enjoyed it! The day was sunny and quite warm for this time of year. Felt pleased!

I've started singing lessons with a new teacher because it was a bit far to go for my other teacher. The new one will be good, I think! He is explaining pronunciation of words, was telling me of research which has been conducted when voices are strained by trying to reach low notes etc. Now to practice more - at least half an hour a day! Maybe I will get to do Grades 6, 7 and 8! OK baby steps...

Well until next time


Sunday, 27 May 2018

Starting weight for next round!

11 stone 2.6lb or 156.6lb or 70.76kg

This is my start weight for my next round of weight loss!

Goal: 2 stone (28lb) loss by October this year! Need to stop faffing and just get on with it!

Yesterday I made a lot of soup so that my lunches are made up, I also bought some gluten free bread rolls to have with the soup!

I peeled and chopped a lot of vegetables!

Have a fab day, readers


Tuesday, 27 February 2018


I feel like a yo-yo - up and down, down and up. No walking the dog though (remember the tricks people did?). OK I digress! 🎢🎢🎢 <---no emote="" font="" have="" rollercoaster="" so="" suffice="" to="" will="" yo-yo="">

Well I lost 3lb then gained 1.5lb last week - Oh to keep moving downward, 📉 but all I've done is munch my way through bread (gluten/dairy free) and drunk loads of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows on top! Habits MUST be broken! ⚖⚖⚖

I wrote, a few years back, about dumping the bad things into a dumper truck (or garbage can etc), well things I have to do:

1. PLAN PLAN PLAN then...📜📝
2. Stop buying any old food after work (doesn't help I work in M&S) 🍉🍌🍏🍒🍓🌽🥒🍆
3. PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE food - I have a slow cooker so no excuse! 🕰🍴🥥🥑🍵
4. EXERCISE again - I used to be fit, now I'm fat and lardy 💃🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️🧗‍♀️🏊‍♀️🚴‍♀️🤸‍♀️
5. FOCUS on the goal 🎯🔬😎🤓👩‍⚖️👩‍🏫👍

Oh well, better get planning then! I'm a member of - an online slimming group! It's really good!

Hope whoever reads this is having more success!

Have a fab week
