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Friday, 3 April 2015

Decluttering - house, mind and body

Decluttering My House

OK I'm really not an expert on decluttering - you won't see many (if any) photos of my house because I am soooo untidy BUT I'm absolutely fed up with having junk everywhere!

I'm sure certain friends don't call around because they are super-duper tidy and can't stand my mess! I'm sure that I don't function well at all because of the clutter everywhere! When I'm in work I keep my area clean and tidy and I function much better! 

Alright, what I have done is - I have written out 12 labels, these are the 12 categories to sort into! What I mean by that is - I am going to go through each box of junk I have and place each item into its category on the floor or into several labelled boxes etc. I'm doing this, because in the past, I've found that if I just generally sort into 'keep' and 'throw' - the throw pile disappears but I leave the keep pile and I don't end up sorting it and filing the items away. By categorising my stuff, I'm hoping it will be easier to file away the items in the correct places! 

So my categories are:

  1. Books - I have plenty of shelves to put them on!
  2. Magazines and catalogues - I have a few mags coming in so I am going to dismantle them and keep the articles which will be of use and throw the rest
  3. Avon - I'm an Avon rep/Sales Leader and I can't get going on it because I am so disorganised with the clutter I can't think straight to run my own business
  4. Recycling - a blue recycling bag to hand to throw those things which can be reprocessed, straight in
  5. Trash - A black bin bag to hand to throw the things which can't be recycled
  6. Burning/shredding - A clear bag, with private info which I don't want others to get my details from (e.g. old credit card bills, utility bills etc)
  7. Financial - up to date bank statements, bills etc to file away until they can go in the burning bag
  8. Stationery/Writing - as I love writing I have notebooks and scraps of paper with poems on, ideas for new stories etc - time to gather those together and file them away in a plastic folder until I can put them into a book. File the notebooks away into a drawer, until needed.
  9. Craft/Misc. - I don't think I'll have a lot of craft things, but just in case I do! Misc could be anything which doesn't fit into the other categories
  10. DVDs/CDs - speaks for itself - I do have shelves with DVDs on and boxes for my CDs so the loose ones need to be filed away
  11. One with my lads' names on - not for them to be tidied away, but their stuff to be taken to their rooms and filed away!
  12. Music - as I play the flute, have singing and piano lessons, and I play various size recorders (occasionally), I have a lot of music!

Seems like a lot of categories, but I think I could work this way - I have a logical brain and this seems a logical way of doing this. 

Decluttering My Mind

As a Christian (I know not everyone reading this will be one), I feel like so much 'other' stuff has come into my life, cluttering my brain. 

I write, play flute, piano and sing (not well or professionally), I work part time, am an Avon rep and Sales Leader, help with a youth group etc etc and my mind is getting clogged with political stuff (I love politics :)  ) so it's time to rethink what I must prioritise, I feel like I have to get back to basics in my mind and stop cluttering it with all stuff which isn't important or won't change my life or other people's lives for the better. 

I came back from my church's holiday, yesterday and the speaker was talking about making God central in our lives and everything else will fit together! Time to do that, methinks :)

Decluttering My Body

This can be a short one:

Stop eating junk!
Drink more
Eat less
Exercise more

I hope this works out - I will keep you updated and let you know if it did work and if my house is tidy or not :) If it does work - I will have to train my husband and adult sons to keep with my system (although I'm more untidy than they are!)

Take care

Carolyn xxxx