Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

No-No Words

I originally posted these on the Rosemary Conley Online forum:

TRYING - I'm trying to lose weight - this word speaks of never getting there...

FAILED/FAILURE - no you haven't/aren't - you've had a blip which can be rectified AND you are on this site! 

NEVER - I'll never get there - says who - only you! 

FED-UP - no don't get fed-up - this leads to negative thinking!

DIET - a diet to me speaks of endless bowls of lettuce and boring foods - we're on a lifestyle change or weight loss programme 

TOMORROW - don't ever start a lifestyle change plan 'tomorrow' because that's a get out clause! Remember tomorrow never comes! So start your plan on (insert day of week, date etc), this makes starting much more tangible.

Negative words about yourself - DON'T say them (I do sometimes), YOU ARE beautiful/handsome - OK you may not look like a super model etc but a lot of those people live superficial lives anyway! You are who you are and true beauty comes from the inside, not outside!

OK folks - these are things I say, quite often! If you can think of anymore - feel free to add them and REMEMBER you have taken a huge positive step by joining this site! We're all in this together and we all make mistakes, and we all support one another! 

Have a fabulous day Big Grin


PS Rosemary Conley Online is a members only site so my links won't link you to the forum I originally posted on, and the views posted here are mine and are not those of Rosemary Conley or her business! 

Saturday, 4 October 2014

There and Back Again - A Dieter's Tale

Ok hands up - who has been there (lost your weight, looked good, felt good) 
and back again (gained the weight lost and/or more)?

My hand shoots up in the air! If Yoyo-dieting was an Olympic sport I'd win 

gold! But why do we lose weight and then put it back on again? 

For me - losing weight has not been a lifestyle change - it has been a 

case of "great I've reached my goal I can eat what I like, when I like!" 
Oh yes? That really doesn't work!

Taking the Lord of the Rings analogy (well, loosely anyway - 

can't parallel all of the story), we are little Frodos:

Think of our weight as the ring - it's heavy and it inhibits us! 

We need to get that ring to mount doom and throw it in there!

Perhaps our Gollums (temptations or those foods we 

find hard to resist) will follow us and try to scupper our efforts to get
rid of the weight.

There may be good times where we do lose weight,

but we mustn't rest on our laurels (like Frodo and Sam at Rivendell 
when they thought they could go back to Hobbiton - we mustn't go 
back to Blobbiton) - the ring had to be destroyed (the weight has to
be lost) and it's only me or you who can lose our weight - I can't
lose your weight for you and you can't lose mine for me. We can't
carry someone else's weight for them and 'share the load' (why would
 we want to do that anyway?). The onus is on ME/YOU to lose the weight.

Goblins, Uruk Hai and orcs may try to hinder us - these are 

people who are unhelpful - "oh go on one won't hurt!" "I've bought you a 
huge box of chocolates for your birthday [even though I know you're on a diet]"
next time someone is unhelpful picture them as an orc or something!
When the arrows of temptation come flying at you - protect yourself 
with the shields of willpower and resolve.

Shelobs may come and attack when you least expect it and inhibit you, 

you may think - that's it, I'm done for, may as well give up - I've been 
stung by a cream cake, packet of crisps/biscuits etc. But it's only temporary 
- we're just hindered, not completely done for! 

Come on folks - we are on a journey - it's not going to be easy, but if you want to achieve, it's not going to be! Let's all get to mount doom and dump our

weight in there forever - throwing our Gollums in as well! 
