Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Monday, 30 June 2014

Comfort Zone

I'm in my comfort zone - if I don't try to lose weight then I can't fail BUT it is now at the point where I NEED to lose it!

In my adult life I have never been this heavy: 12 stone 5lb (approx 78.5kg, 173lb)
I'm 5'2" (1m58)
I'm 44 years old
My BMI is: 31.6 (Obese category)

Healthy Weight range: 7st 3lb - 9st 11lb (I would look awful at 7st 3lb - aiming for 8st-9st)

I grew up in Cardiff, Wales which is quite a small city, I've worked in London and Brussels and walking around those cities at night is less scary than the journey I'm going to be starting! 

My biggest fear = failure again! I know people who are so discouraging - they say - oh no not again. You were supposed to be on a diet (insert time here) and it didn't work etc etc! Being this weight puts me in my comfort zone and the biggest step I can make from this day is to step out of this comfort zone and start on a journey which would change my life for the better!

I think dieting is 1% healthy eating 99% mental attitude! 

I know I can do it - I went from 11st 4lb after having my eldest son to 8st 7lb in about 6 months! OK I'm 20 years older - but it can still be done!

"putting on my climbing boots [mentally]" Let's get going...


Sunday, 29 June 2014

39 steps? years? puppies? NO...

...39 weeks before I go on the church holiday I'm organising (I usually organise one every 2 years).

I need to lose: 

47lb - to be 9 stone 0lb
54lb - to be 8 stone 7lb
61lb - to be 8 stone 0lb

My weigh in today: 12 stone 5lb 0oz! (I've lost 1lb from last week - whooo hoo) 

47lb loss = 1.2lb per week
54lb loss = 1.4lb per week
61lb loss = 1.5lb per week

This is do-able folks!  

My eldest son said to me - "Mum you've done it before so you can do it again!" Bless him - he's going to encourage me!

It's easier to be focused when the weather is good, but it's the winter which is the hardest,,, OK mustn't moan - have to take ownership of my life/eating AND I'm fed up with being blobby and unfit!

Anybody reading this who needs to lose weight - you CAN do this! Really you CAN!

Have a good one folks!


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Taking Ownership

In work that's the buzz phrase of the season - TAKE OWNERSHIP! What does that mean? Well stop making excuses and get on with what's supposed to be done with your particular section! 

How does this relate to losing weight?

Well ask yourself this - who made you overweight? Did someone force food into your mouth? Did someone beat you up if you didn't eat everything on your plate? 

Come on people (I'm actually talking to myself here and no I don't have multiple personalities ;) ) - no one has made me fat other than myself! 

Did I HAVE to buy that massive bag of crisps after work and eat the whole lot? NO!

Were the biscuits in the cupboard forced down my throat? NO!

Was the extra portion of food forced upon me? NO!

COME ON who made me FAT? ME - let me spell it out again M-E - however difficult this is to admit to myself - I MADE MYSELF OVERWEIGHT! Nobody else made me FAT! Nobody else turned me from a size 12 to a size 16! Nobody else made me gain 56lbs and about 50 inches!

Right NOW is the time to grab the bull by the horns and take ownership/ responsibility for my losing weight - no more hiding behind excuses and blaming others!

Have a good one folks
