Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Here I am AGAIN!

Here I am again - I've lost no weight - I'm still 11 stone 13 (fluctuating between 11st 11 and 11st 13 - over 70Kg and over 160lb I think).

My boobs are huge and droopy - sorry TMI folks, but I am sick of them!  2 massive melons hanging from my chest!
I have acid reflux on occasion - although I have been trying to cut down on the biscuits etc. which helps!
My butt is huge
My waist is 38" THIRTY-EIGHT INCHES!!!!!! It has been 26"
My life is a mess where dieting is concerned! 

OK ACTION IS NEEDED NOW! But I can't be bothered? What can I do to chivvy myself along and be motivated?

I did think a weekly Vlog would get me going, but I've not done one day let alone one week

I thought this Blog would motivate me - but, nope!

I'm at my wits' end - what can I do! I wish I had a diet and exercise buddy where we could get together and exercise plus I HAVE to be better than anyone else so a good challenge gets me going! 

OK whoever reads this - if you do - leave a comment if you have any suggestions on getting my fat lardy butt into gear to lose weight!