Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

The Night Before D-Day

Twas the night before D-Day*
And all through the house
was munching on food
Like a wee hungry mouse.
Packets of crisps
And biscuits galore,
Toast with much butter
just wanted more.

went to the cupboard
And ate all the sweets
My jaw getting exercise
But, not my feet.
I must get rid
Of this offending food.
For it to stay there
Would be highly rude.

What else can I eat
So my cupboards are bare?
For tomorrow I start
My diet with flare.
I shovel in the food
empty the fridge
eat oodles of crisps
Some smooth and some ridged

But it must get done.
D-Day starts soon,
Weigh, in the morning
Not afternoon.
flumped into bed
Did I hear it creak?
I hope my resolve
Doesn't go weak.

D-Day has arrived
On the scales I stand
Oh dear this weight
Wasn't so planned.
gained half a stone
From my binge yesterday
It was my own fault
What can I say?

*D-Day = Diet Day
© Carolyn Davison 24th Feb 2013 - D-Day tomorrow!
More diet, and other of my poems HERE