Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Car Hire Company reply

Had a phone call at about 16:15 today from the manager of the Car Hire Company to let me know why the car wasn't booked!

Someone had called him the Monday before it was due to be booked to postpone the booking until a later date!! The person was a guy and it wasn't my husband or sons and since no one else knew - who could it have been?

Has my email account been hacked? Was it someone in the office trying to get the manager into trouble - they would have had access to the details... Who was it?

Ooo don't you just love a mystery? Anyway after a pleasant conversation with the guy - they have offered me a free hire for the day sometime!

I still feel bad at missing the filming and having to mess the Rosemary Conley team about! I can't imagine what havoc this would have caused!

OK the mystery is there and we may never know who cancelled my booking! At least I know what had happened!

Re Cooking Competition

Was going to go to Quorn last Wednesday (23rd June 2010) - the only way I could get there was by hiring a car so like a good internet junkie I found a car hire firm in my town and booked the car online (the previous Friday). I printed off the details straight from the site and also my email confirmation! Well I turned up on Tuesday evening to pick up the car, only to be told I wasn't on their schedule!! I showed the lady my confirmations so she typed my details into her computer only to find I had been booked for 27th June which was a Sunday - they're not even open then and they don't allow bookings to happen!
This all happened at 17:50(ish) so it was close to closing time! I rang another car hire firm in the town - they didn't have a car available until Thursday! ARGH! So I had to email all at Quorn and sheepishly give my apologies! I felt like a right numpty! The team there were wonderful though and understood my predicament! I can't believe it happened to me :(
Anyway I've written a letter of complaint to the company - I wonder if I will receive a reply!
OK - on the Thursday there was a knock at the door and the potman handed me a huge box of fresh flowers - from Rosemary's Team because I was very disappointed at not being able to make it after all! I was sooo bowled over by their generosity!

If anybody is reading this and is wanting to diet- join a Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Club near you - they really do care for their clients!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Cooking Competition

I entered an online cookery competition through and I won! So now I get to go to Quorn House (HQ of RC Diet and Fitness Clubs) and cook the recipe with Dean Simpole-Clarke! How exciting!!

Watch this space and I'll say how it went :)

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Oily Fish on a low fat diet?

Yep you are allowed these because of the Omega 3 oils - these are the ones to choose:






Go on give them a go - they taste SMASHing! ;)

Monday, 7 June 2010

Past, Present and Future

I found an old diet graph from 1993 a while back so I put the data in an Excel spreadsheet and forgot about it. Then one day last week I began to think that I must stop being a plonker and actually get down to doing some serious weight loss, then I remembered the spreadsheet with my 1993 weight loss! I looked at the sheet and found that I had taken 32 weeks to get from 10 stone 9lb (149lb) to 8 stone 11 lb (123lb) - I thought I had done it much quicker than that - there was hope! It doesn't fall off overnight (well, I knew that, but somehow thought I'd lost nearly 2 stone in a couple months!)

This morning I weighed myself and guess what? I'm 10 stone 9lb - exactly the same weight as I was all those years ago so I've plotted my 1993 weight loss onto a graph and my start weight for today and I'm going to track my progress (I wonder if it will take me longer now that I'm 40 rather than 23!?) Below is my weight loss in 1993:

Week 0 - 10 stone 9lb
Week 1 - 10 stone 8lb
Week 2 - 10 stone 8lb
Week 3 - 10 stone 8lb
Week 4 - 10 stone 7lb
Week 5 - 10 stone 4.5lb
Week 6 - 10 stone 3lb
Week 7 - 10 stone 0lb
Week 8 - 9 stone 11.5lb
Week 9 - 9 stone 10.5lb
Week 10 - 9 stone 10lb
Week 11 - 9 stone 8.5lb
Week 12 - 9 stone 6.5lb
Week 13 - 9 stone 5lb
Week 14 - 9 stone 5lb
Week 15 - 9 stone 5.5lb
Week 16 - 9 stone 5lb
Week 17 - 9 stone 4lb
Week 18 - 9 stone 4lb
Week 19 - 9 stone 4lb
Week 20 - 9 stone 4lb
Week 21 - 9 stone 2.5lb
Week 22 - 9 stone 1.5lb
Week 23 - 9 stone 0.5lb
Week 24 - 8 stone 13lb
Week 25 - 8 stone 13lb
Week 26 - 9 stone 0lb
Week 27 - 8 stone 12lb
Week 28 - 8 stone 10lb
Week 29 - 8 stone 10.5lb
Week 30 - 8 stone 12lb
Week 31 - 8 stone 11lb
Week 32 - 8 stone 11lb

So here's to looking at being under 9 stone in 32 weeks time!

Time to Bollywood dance...