Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Learning and Losing

Last Saturday I had a flute lesson - my teacher was going through one of my Grade 5 exam pieces, bit by bit! She recommended a practice strategy that involved breaking the music up into very small pieces, maybe playing one bar or one phrase or even just 3 notes at a time over and over again until I'd perfected that section before moving onto the next part. I have to start off playing slowly then as I get used to the notes, speed it up until I can play the piece at full speed!

As I was practicing I began to think that losing weight should be like this. Taking time to set goals, but not too many at a time and working on those goals firstly until they are reached before working on the next one! Then if the weight drops off just a pound or even half a pound at a time does it really matter because it's not quantity (speed) it's quality (reaching our final goal weight)?

Each note on it's own seems insignificant but when put together in perfect harmony, creates a piece of music to calm and delight the soul!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Losing Weight is Like Saving Pennies in a Jar

Losing weight is like saving pennies in a jar!

We have a large Bell's Whisky bottle (no, we didn't drink the whisky LOL!) which we put our 1ps and 2ps in! When we first started putting them in there it looked so insignificant and really not worthwhile, but over time all those 1ps and 2ps have built up and it's looking like we're really wealthy - we wish *sigh*

I'm saying this because weight-loss is the same - it doesn't all fall off at once. It comes off in bits and bobs and we have to remember that the 1lb of fat lost may not make our stomachs look flatter because that 1lb probably won't have just fallen off our stomachs - there may have been an ounce off each arm maybe 2oz off our legs etc. So if you think your 1lb (or even 1/2 lb) is insignificant - all those losses add up into something greater!

Let's go saving those 'pounds' while we 'climb that hill'

Oh dear

I started a lose a stone by the end of May challenge on an online slimming club about 6 weeks ago and I've lost hardly anything! I'm a blob who's lazy! Help :p

OK let's get going again tomorrow - I've stopped half way up the hill (I wrote an analogy about dieting and climbing a hill) I've stopped for a breather!