The link to me on, cooking with Dean Simpole-Clarke! It was such a fun day! :) Thanks to everyone who made it special!
A mature (over 40) lady gets pulled over for speeding...
Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?
Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding.
Older Woman: Oh, I see.
Officer: Can I see your license please?
Older Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one.
Officer: Don't have one?
Older Woman: Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving.
Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.
Older Woman: I can't do that.
Officer: Why not?
Older Woman: I stole this car.
Officer: Stole it?
Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.
Officer: You what?
Older Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see
The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.
Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle please! The woman steps out of her vehicle.
Older woman: Is there a problem sir?
Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.
Older Woman: Murdered the owner?
Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please. The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.
Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am?
Older Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is quite stunned.
Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer.. The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.
Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.
Older Woman: Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too.
Wear layers
You need appropriate clothing in cold weather. Layers are very important to ensure that you stay warm but don't overheat during exercise. Choose technical fabrics such as dry F.I.T. (by Nike) or polypropylene (a synthetic fabric that draws moisture away from the skin) so you stay dry and warm. Avoid fabrics like cotton and wool that retain moisture and stick to your skin and make you colder. If it's blustery, your outer layer of clothing should protect against wind chill. Don't forget to wear a hat in the cold since a significant amount of heat is lost through the head.
Be foot-friendly
When exercising outdoors in the winter time, choose all-weather, well-cushioned trainers with a good tread to reduce the chance of slipping and twisting your ankle.
Be aware of your breathing
Cold air may irritate the respiratory tract and bring on angina (chest pain) or asthma in certain people so make sure your breathing doesn't feel restricted while exercising. If it does, stop immediately and go indoors.
Stay hydrated
Even though you don't sweat as much in cold weather, you're still perspiring which means you're losing water and salt. Drink lots of water before, during and after working out to replenish fluids.
Before you set off
Make sure you warm up for around ten minutes before setting off in the chill. If you exercise when your muscles are cold you have a greater chance of pulling a muscle and getting injured. Don't expect to go at your normal pace - give yourself time to acclimatise to the different conditions and progress slowly but safely.
Enjoy your run
Being outdoors can really make your workout more fun. You'll have a constant change of scenery and can use props like a park bench for tricep dips and stairs for step-ups to challenge yourself. Just be aware of what your body is telling you and stop if you become uncomfortable or too cold. Make sure you cool down properly and stretch again at the end of your workout, preferably inside where it's warm. Save floor work for days you stay indoors. Enjoy your winter workout routine.
1. Keep drinking that water! You’ve heard it a thousand times before but it’s more important than ever now, since water is essential for keeping your metabolism humming along. Sip at least 1 – 1½ litres of water every day.
2. Take good measure. Stepping on the scale isn’t always the best way to measure your progress. If you’re not seeing a change on yours, use a tape measure to measure your various parts. You might be losing inches even thought the scale remains steady (remember: muscle is more dense than fat, so upping your exercise and building strong muscles could be contributing).
3. Build on your workout. If you’ve been doing the same workout for a while, you may find that it has less effect as your body adapts to it. Continue burning more calories than you eat by adding a separate five to 10 minute walk to your day. Or try working out more vigorously - increase your exercise gradually to avoid injury and consult your doctor if you are starting out on an exercise programme).
4. Remember that size matters. One common reason for plateaus is that dieters begin eating slightly larger portion sizes. Sometimes, even when you are eating healthier foods, large portion sizes can slow weight loss. Pull out the measuring scales or carb counter to make sure you’re not going overboard.
5. Keep a food journal. Track what you’re eating from week to week by writing down the foods you consume. If weight loss begins to slow, you’ll be able to identify what might have made the difference and correct it quickly.
6. Wait it out. If you’re a woman, remember that this plateau may be hormone-related. At different times in your menstrual cycle, you may be retaining water, which will show when you step on the scale. Instead of giving up, continue with the same good eating habits and see if the weight loss continues after a week or so.
7. Cut calories slightly. Weight loss tends to slow naturally as you get closer to your goal weight because it usually means you are eating close to the caloric intake your body needs to maintain your ideal weight. And while you may be tempted to cut your calories to make up for the slowed progress, you have to be careful not to go overboard. A calorie count that’s too low can slow metabolism slightly. You can decrease calories gradually, however.
8. Pump up your metabolism. One of the only proven ways to actually boost your metabolism is to add more muscle mass to your body since muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. If you’re not already doing some resistance training, try lifting weights, taking a yoga class or working out with resistance bands, two to three times per week.
9. Initiate some intervals. Some trainers say the best way to break through a plateau is by adding interval training into your current workout. Interval training is exercise that combines low-intensity and high-intensity activity in spurts. For example, alternating cycling at a moderate pace and a faster pace, or combining periods of walking and jogging. Trainers and exercise physiologists generally recommend a high-intensity to low-intensity ratio of one to three. In other words, if you are going to run for five minutes, walk for 15. Repeat those intervals for at least 30 minutes.
10. Shake things up. Though there’s not much scientific proof that it works, some dieters find that changing some of their meal plan selections from week to week seems to help them break through a plateau. Simple changes like switching some of those chicken portions for fish or having a chicken salad instead of an egg salad at lunch could make a difference for you. Not to mention ensuring your taste buds stay interested.
1. Binge eating before going on a diet.
2. Fasting or drastically cutting calories to lose weight. This sends your body the message that you are starving, and your metabolism will slow down to preserve the fat you are trying to shed!
3. Expecting to lose more than one to two pounds a week. Any more than this is simply the result of lost body fluids and valuable muscle tissue.
4. Skipping meals, especially breakfast. Eating regular meals prevents the dangerous “famine-then-feast” syndrome.
5. Skipping smart snacks. "Smart snacking" keeps your metabolism high and your appetite in check.
6. Substituting coffee, tea or diet soda for energy-producing meals, snacks or water.
7. Going to a salad bar and stacking up on cheeses, meats and pasta AND globs of fatty mayonnaise or salad dressings while thinking you are choosing the healthy option.
8. Having an “on a diet” or “off a diet” / all-or-nothing mentality rather than simply eating wisely.
9. Thinking of any food as “bad” or “forbidden.” Food is food - anything in excess is bad for you, anything in moderation is okay.
10. Not exercising for at least 30 minutes, three times a week. Exercise is crucial for boosting your metabolism to more effectively burn calories.
11. Losing weight to look good... for someone else.
12. Believing that when you shed the weight, you’ll be a different, better person. You already ARE a great person.
13. Relying on diet pills, shakes or other products that promise miraculous weight loss. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true...
14. Thinking of weight loss as something you have to do, rather than something you want to do.
15. Focusing on foods to avoid, rather than foods to include.
16. Buying, preparing and eating your meals on the run. A hectic lifestyle prevents you from enjoying and feeling satisfied with the many good foods you eat.
17. Considering losing excess weight as an end in itself, rather than a means to an end: a healthier body and a happier out-look.
18. Not watching your fat intake. Calories consumed as fat are converted into fat on the body more readily than the same number of calories consumed as protein or carbohydrates.
19. Not reading and understanding labels. Just because it says '95% fat-free' doesn’t mean that it is healthy. It COULD mean that it’s 95% sugar!
20. Failing to take charge the moment you discover you weigh in two pounds over your desired weight. When your waistband gets tight do something about it. Don’t buy the next size up!
2. Plan what you are going to eat
People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan. If you are eating away from home, try to pick a restaurant you know will serve a healthy option. If you are sightseeing and bringing along a picnic, make sure you bring foods like sandwiches with low fat fillings, salads and crunchy vegetable sticks and low fat dips, low fat crisps, rice cakes or bread sticks and fresh fruit salad. These picnic foods are suitable, satisfying and won’t ruin your diet.
3. Pack a snack!
If you do get hungry between meals there is only one way to be sure your willpower won’t let you down – pack a snack. If you have a healthy snack with you, you are far less likely to be tempted by high fat, high calorie foods, which might be the only options available.
4. Buy small!
The portion of chips may be beckoning, or that ice cream cone. You don’t have to deprive yourself completely, just buy small serving if you are genuinely hungry.
5. Watch your alcohol intake!
We’re all likely to have a beer with our barbeque, or a glass of wine with dinner on a weekend away but don’t go crazy! Alcohol adds calories. Remember, a pint of lager will set you back 131 calories, a measure of spirits 55 calories (before adding mixers) and a glass of wine, 100 calories. Alcohol also loosens our inhibitions and can make us lose control over what we eat.
6. Be assertive
Have a say in where you go and how you spend your weekend. Choose the restaurant, choose the food you bring along and choose an activity-filled day out. Spend your time in a way that will benefit YOUR health as well as being enjoyable to those around you.
7. Look for support
If others are suggesting activities that will be difficult for you in terms of food temptations, or a day out (or a day in) that involves no physical activity whatsoever, be sure to explain clearly why it doesn’t suit you to do that. Giving someone that understanding will inspire him or her to play a role in your success.
8. Stay focused & committed to your weight loss
YOU KNOW what your target weight is. YOU KNOW how many pounds you want to lose this week. YOU KNOW why you want to lose the weight. YOU KNOW that it is possible. Stick to the plan.
9. Get active!
Gather a group of friends together or take yourself outside with the kids. It doesn’t matter whether you want to play Frisbee, football, volleyball or rounders – as long as you are active and enjoying yourself. Alternatively, why not try something new like rollerblading, horse riding or even water skiing? Whatever it is that you really want to do, get out there and just do it!
10. Take time out!
Give yourself even just five or ten minutes to focus on you, your body and your health. You want to enjoy yourself as much as the next person, so think about ways you can treat yourself without using food. Buy a book or a magazine, hit the shops for a look at the new autumn lines, take a long leisurely stroll, have a bubble bath, get yourself out to the cinema, book a massage. Take your time and enjoy your break!
Survival tips: Don’t leave home without having breakfast... even if it's simply a bowl of cereal, wholemeal toast or yoghurt with fruit. Pack a goody bag of healthy snacks at night to take to work so you need never be stuck for a healthy bite. Good choices include fruit, low fat yoghurt or fromage frais and low fat cheese. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Also make time for a sit-down dinner. This will give you an opportunity to relax and enjoy a satisfying and nutritious meal.
Snack Attacker!
These are the people who eat a little bit here and a little bit there. We’re talking about the snacker who’s always nibbling on something but never counting the calories. Well, those numbers quickly add up. When you fill up on snacks, you usually put off having a well-balanced meal. This is a lost opportunity to get all the vitamins and nutrients you need from fruits, vegetables and proteins.
Survival tips: When hunger strikes, reach for low-fat cheese and crackers, hummus and pitta bread, wholemeal toast with reduced fat peanut butter or a bowl of homemade soup. Get in the mood for a meal. Make sure you get at the very least one balanced meal a day. If you find yourself hitting the drinks machine constantly, replace those wasted calories with water, skimmed milk or fruit juice.
Eager Eater!
This guy loves food and gets plenty of it. You won’t find any vitamin or nutrient depletion here! What you will find is too much of a good thing and that can wind up as an expanding waistline. The eager eater gets too many calories and lack of portion control is usually responsible for those unwanted pounds.
Survival Tips: Think in terms of trade-offs. If it’s dinner-and-a-movie night, eat dinner and skip the popcorn and fizzy drink. If you eat a big breakfast, have a salad or other light lunch. Be aware of why you are eating. Are you hungry or are you thirsty? Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes before you dig in. Choose your snacks wisely. If you want a couple of biscuits, take two and put the box away.
10 ways to burn an extra 100 calories
1. 10 mins of slow jogging
2. 30 mins of ironing
3. 27 mins of cleaning windows
4. 13 mins of disco dancing
5. 16 mins of brisk walking
6. 14 mins of playing football with the children
7. 10 mins of walking up and down stairs
8. 20 mins of vacuuming the home
9. 25 mins of washing and polishing the car
10. 15 mins of walking while carrying heavy shopping
You can become fitter very quickly if you exercise regularly. When you first start exercising you get out of breath very quickly and have to rest, which means your calorie-burning potential is reduced.
So start exercising very moderately so that you can keep going for longer. Soon you will become fitter and you will be able to increase the intensity and duration.
Separate your strength training sessions by at least one day to give your muscles time to rest and recover. Do 1-3 sets of each exercise in the order they're listed below, 8-15 repetitions per set.
Basic Strength Training Routine
A. Stand with your feet as wide as your hips, your weight slightly back on your heels, and place your hands on your hips. Pull your abdominals in, stand up tall with square shoulders and a lifted chest.
B. Sit back and down, as if you're going to sit on a chair directly behind you. Lower as far as you can without leaning your upper body more than a few inches forward (this depends on your flexibility and your build). If you can, bend your knees far enough so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, but don't go any further than that and don't allow your knees to travel out in front of your toes. Once you feel your upper body fold forward over your thighs, straighten your legs and stand back up. Take care not to lock your knees at the top of the movement.
Toe Raise
A. Stand on the edge of a step. (Or, if you have a step aerobics platform, place two sets of risers underneath the platform.) Stand tall with the balls of your feet firmly planted on the step and your heels hanging over the edge. Rest your hands against a wall or a sturdy object for balance. Stand tall with your abdominals pulled in.
B. Raise your heels a few inches above the edge of the step so that you're on your tiptoes. Hold the position for a moment, and then lower your heels back down. Lower your heels below the platform in order to stretch your calf muscles.
A. Holding a single dumb-bell with both hands, lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and your arms directly over your shoulders. Turn your palms up so that one end of the dumb-bell is resting in the gap between your palms and the other end is hanging down over your face. Pull your abdominals in, but make sure your back is relaxed and arched naturally.
B. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, lower the weight behind your head until the bottom end of the dumb-bell is directly behind your head. Pull the dumb-bell back up overhead, keeping the same slight bend in your elbows throughout the motion.
Push Up
A. Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, and cross your ankles. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor a bit to the side and in front of your shoulders. Straighten your arms and lift your body so you're balanced on your palms and knees. Tuck your chin a few inches towards your chest, so your forehead faces the floor. Tighten your abdominals.
B. Bend your elbows and lower your entire body at once. Rather than trying to touch your chest to the floor, lower only until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push back up.
Shoulder Press
A. Hold a dumb-ell in each hand and sit on a bench with back support. Plant your feet firmly on the floor about hip-width apart. Bend your elbows and raise your upper arms to shoulder height so that the dumb-bells are at ear level. Pull your abdominals in so that there's a slight gap between the small of your back and the bench. Place the back of your head against the pad.
B. Push the dumb-bells up and in until the ends of the dumb-bells are nearly touching directly over your head and then lower the dumbbells back to ear level.
Bench Dip
A. Sit on the edge of a bench with your legs together and straight in front of you, toes pointing up. Keeping your elbows relaxed, straighten your arms, place your hands about six inches apart, and firmly grip the edges of the bench. Slide your butt just off the front of the bench so that your upper body is pointing straight down. Keep your abdominals pulled in and your head centered between your shoulders.
B. Bend your elbows and lower your body in a straight line. When your upper arms are parallel to the floor, push yourself back up.
Biceps Curl
A. Hold a dumb-bell in each hand and stand with your feet as wide as your hips. Let your arms hang down at your sides with your palms facing in. Pull your abdominals in, stand tall, and keep your knees relaxed.
B. Curl your right arm close to your shoulder, twisting your palm as you go so that it faces the front of your shoulder at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the dumbbell back down, and then repeat with your left arm. Continue alternating until you've completed the set.
Basic Crunch
A. Lie on the floor with your feet hip-width apart. Cradle your head in your hands without lacing your fingers together and with your elbows rounded slightly inward. Tilt your chin a small way towards your chest and pull your abdominal muscles in.
B. Exhale through your mouth as you curl your head, neck, and shoulders up off the floor. Hold at the top of the movement for a moment, then inhale as you slowly lower back down.
Next week: We'll start picking up speed and distance.
2. Realise everything is connected! There is an absolute, incontrovertible connection between your weight and the rest of your life. It is not just about how much you eat. Your relationships, your sleep, your stress, all profoundly affect your hormones, especially cortisol, excess amounts of which can keep you from losing weight. If your stress hormones are high and your sleep is disturbed, you will not replenish serotonin, which can lead to cravings. If cortisol is constantly high, it can cause insulin resistance which is the biggest enemy of fat loss.
Don’t try to lose weight just by attacking your food habits. That’s a start, but it’s not the whole story. Everything is connected: from sunshine to sex to love to job to relationships. The Bowden Motto: Change your life, change your weight.
3. Fat is not the enemy! Numerous recent studies have shown conclusively that the percentage of fat in your diet has virtually no connection to whether or not you get fat. Far more important is the amount of total calories you take in, and especially the total number of calories from carbohydrates. Processed food - and especially sugar - is damaging to your system.
4. Calories are not the whole picture, but they still count! High fibre, low refined carb diets control appetite more effectively than any other kind, but they are not a license to eat anything and everything in all quantities. At some point you need to look at the number of calories you’re consuming.
5. Keep a food diary! Virtually every nutritionist agrees a food diary is the most important tool in your arsenal. Studies have shown that people who have lost weight successfully and kept it off virtually always use this tool. You should too.
6. Eat protein at every meal! Protein raises your metabolic rate and may also, through the action of specific amino acids, cause you to lose fat rather than muscle, thus helping to reshape your body and make you a more effective calorie burner. Take at least three to four ounces at each meal.
7. The more vegetables the better! These foods are fibre rich, and loaded with phytonutrients. High-fibre foods are an essential part of any weight loss strategy.
8. Eat without distractions! Try to train yourself to eat without television or other distractions. Unconscious eating is the enemy of weight loss.
9. Exercise alone is not the best way to take off weight but it’s one of the best ways to keep it off! Few people can lose significant amounts of weight just by exercising. Yet if you don’t exercise, you have a poor chance of keeping weight off. With it, you have a much better chance of your diet being effective.
1. When you first wake up commit to 10 minutes of continuous exercise. Choose only three movements and perform each in succession without stopping for 10 minutes. For example, Monday you can perform modified push-ups, followed by crunches for your abs followed by stationary lunges. On Tuesday you can perform free-standing squats with hands on hips, double crunch for abs, and close grip modified push-ups (hands 3" apart) for your triceps. Just 10 minutes! Just take a quick breather when you need it.
2. Perform timed interval walking in your neighbourhood or at lunch. If it takes 10 minutes to walk to a certain destination near your office or in your neighbourhood, try to make it in eight minutes. You can also do this first thing in the morning before work as well as on your lunch break.
3. If you have stairs in your home or in your work place, commit to taking the stairs a specific number of times. Tell yourself that you’ll take the stairs six or eight times (no matter what).
4. While seated, perform some isometric exercise to help strengthen and tighten your muscles. For example, while in a seated position, simply contract the abdominals for 30 seconds while breathing naturally. You can also tighten and contract your legs for 60 seconds. Perform about three sets per area. You’ll feel your muscles get tighter in just three weeks if you perform this a few times per week.
5. For about £17.00 (OR buy for £6.99 (price correct as of 22/3/10) you can invest in a pedometer. It’s a small device you can carry that records the distance you walk per day, either as a number of steps or in miles. Aim for 10,000 steps every day – to reach your target, get off the bus a stop earlier, take a post-dinner dander or leave the car at home and walk shorter journeys. If you and a friend both take part, make a contest of it and reward the weekly winner.
6. Tired at night and just want to sit in front of the TV? Try this technique: take periodic five-minute exercise breaks and perform some muscle stimulating and calorie burning exercise. For example, take five minutes and perform only ab crunches. Then, when it's time for another five-minute exercise break, perform modified push-ups for five minutes. Then for a final five-minute break, perform stationary lunges. Try to do as many as possible in five minutes and try to beat your amount of reps during each subsequent break. It won’t seem daunting because it’s only five minutes at a time, split over a 30 or 60 minute timeframe. Instead of rest breaks, you’ll take exercise breaks. You don’t really need to watch that new commercial do you?
7. How about performing one exercise movement per day for seven to 10 minutes? For example, Monday: free-standing squats for seven minutes. Tuesday: chair dips for seven minutes. Wednesday: crunches and hip lifts off the floor for seven minutes. Thursday: modified push-up for seven minutes. Friday: stationary lunges for seven minutes. It’s quick, simple and teaches consistency.
8. Want things even simpler? Take the longest route every time you have to walk somewhere - even if it’s to a co-workers office.
9. Double-up the stairs. Everytime you take the stairs, simply take a double step or every other stair. It will be just like lunges and the Stairmaster combined. Great for the legs and butt!
10. Enlist your partner or a friend. I’m sure you can find someone who is in the same situation. The support will give you more motivation and you just may find that you can create even more workout time for yourself.
1. Modify your goals
Before your holiday, you may have aimed for weight loss of 1-2lbs per week. But on holiday, aim for weight maintenance instead of weight loss – or weight gain! Making healthy choices wherever you go is the secret to staying slim and doesn’t mean you will miss out on any of the fun!
2. Be prepared!
Start as you mean to go on and be prepared for travelling. If you have a long journey ahead, pack plenty of healthy snacks. Snacks are important to keep your hunger at bay, to keep your motivation high and to avoid impulse snacking. Pack a bottle of water, fruit, rice cakes or vegetable sticks – this will help you resist tucking into those duty-free giant Toblerone!
3. Portion size!
Following your healthy eating plan, you’ll have learned that watching portion sizes is the ultimate key to keeping the weight off. With buffet style eating it’s very tempting to pile your plate full with food. The solution to this is simple - don’t! Or at least pile it with the right foods!
4. Spice of life!
Make the most of the deliciously different varieties of fruit on offer at breakfast and skip the croissants, Danishes and fried or butter-loaded dishes. For lunch, take full advantage of the refreshing varieties of salad available. Remember to steer clear of the creamy, fattening dressings and full fat hard cheeses. Many countries don’t offer the low fat or reduced calorie options available here, so fill your plate instead with plenty of salad vegetables as a base, and small portions of healthier, less fattening sides, such as lean meat, poultry or fish and stick to oil-free dressings. You could also have small portions of soft cheeses and nuts but make sure you skip those evil little croutons! You know how to do this at home - so why change your good habits on holiday?? It will only make it harder to change again when you return home, and how can you show off your lovely tan if you don’t fit into any of your nice summery tops!!
5. Be smart…
If you’re staying in a hotel or at an all-inclusive resort you’ll probably be offered endless amounts of food. And it’s only natural to make the most of this – it is paid for, after all. But remember how hard you worked to get that bikini body – you don’t want to undo all your hard work in a week! So look for the healthy choices on the menu and stick to those.
6. Appealing appetisers!
Baskets of bread and bowls of creamy dips might be very tempting but they will just add extra calories to your meal - a 2 inch slice of bread and a tablespoon of creamy dip will set you back over 160 calories and 7g of fat, while an average serving of olives will cost you only 12 calories and 1g of fat. You know it’s your best choice. Vegetable based soups and healthy salads are also good starter choices.
7. Keepin’ it lean
Stick to lean cuts of grilled meat and poultry, and make sure you order plenty of vegetables and salad on the side. Remember, you’re in a new place, so make the most of their traditional cuisine - tomato based pasta dishes in Italy and fish dishes in Portugal. And ask for sauces or dressings on the side - allowing yourself a spoonful or two of a creamy dressing will do you much less harm that a dish full!
8. You don’t have to ditch the dessert!
Desserts don’t have to be fattening either. If you fancy something sweet, most restaurants in exotic destinations have a large variety of fruit available, so stick to this - it will certainly kerb that sweet craving. If it’s a special occasion or you really want something creamy, share a dessert with your partner to cut the portion size and then take a long walk after dinner!
9. Move on up!
Holidays are a great time to try new activities – if windsurfing or diving aren’t for you, how about doing a few laps of the pool or walking the length of the beach before breakfast?
10. Have fun!
Now you have the basics to keep off those holiday pounds and make the most of your holiday. So go on - have a great time and use your holiday as an excuse for looking and feeling 100% fantastic the whole time!
Blogging my adventures. Come and join me on my weight loss travels. Going on a journey is always much more interesting when you have company.